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Voting & Elections 02.14.2017

Book Review: Ratf**ked, The True Story Behind the Secret Plan to Steal America’s Democracy, By David Daley

Ratf**ked reveals a broken American election system. It is one that is far from the ideal of a well-functioning democracy in which leaders promote policies they assert will broadly and wisely benefit our entire citizenry with the goal of persuading as many citizens as possible to vote for them.

Voting & Elections 02.13.2017

Trump Still Pushing Phony Voter Fraud Claims

Trump senior adviser Stephen Miller doubled down Sunday on the President’s false claim last week that busloads of people crossed from Massachusetts into New Hampshire on Election Day to keep Trump from carrying the Granite State and defeat incumbent Sen. Kelly Ayotte.

It's Time for Hearings on Trump Administration Ethics

Conflicts of interest, violations of the Constitution’s emoluments clause, and ethics violations by President Trump, his staff and his family demand a thorough examination and hearings by congressional investigators, Common Cause said today.

Scott Pruitt’s Legal Conflicts of Interest Threaten the EPA

Do President Trump and his Republican allies in the Senate really want to entrust the responsibility for protecting our environment to a man who has been in the forefront of legal efforts to block or overturn federal rules enforcing clean air and clean water laws? Hard to believe, but it sure looks that way.

Will Steve Mnuchin Defend American Prosperity as Treasury Secretary?

Steve Mnuchin will likely be the United States’ next Treasury Secretary – perhaps by Monday evening. But will he have your back? The signs are not encouraging.

Another Trump Aide Plays Fast and Loose With Ethics Rules

Kellyanne Conway, the President’s polling and communications guru, showed up on “Fox & Friends” this morning to deliver a plug for first daughter Ivanka Trump’s fashion line.

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