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Voting & Elections 08.1.2016

Court Upholds Straight-Ticket Voting in Michigan

On July 21, a federal judge struck down Michigan’s attempt to ban straight-ticket voting, finding that the restriction placed a “disproportionate burden on African-Americans’ right to vote.” The court also ruled that Michigan’s $5 million plan to upgrade the machinery of its elections to offset that burden was “woefully insufficient.”

Voting & Elections 08.1.2016

Texas and Wisconsin Federal Courts Step Up to Protect Voters

Federal court decisions in Texas and Wisconsin last month should put the brakes on legislative efforts across the country to keep Americans from voting.

Voting & Elections 07.27.2016

Copy of Gerrymander Gazette | July 27, 2016

Unpacking, uncracking and unstacking redistricting news since 2016.

Money & Influence 07.20.2016

The Man Who Brought Us Citizens United is Back

Jim Bopp, the Indiana attorney who led the effort to remove all restraints on independent corporate spending in campaigns in the landmark Supreme Court case Citizens United v. FEC (2010), is now leading another effort to weaken federal campaign finance laws.

Voting & Elections 07.20.2016

Disabled voters still face trouble at the polls

With the November elections approaching, national efforts towards increasing voter turnout are underway. During the second week of July, the National Council on Disability hosted “National Disability Voter Registration Week” in hopes of ensuring that the disability community’s voice, both collectively and as individuals, will be heard this election year.

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