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Daily dispatches of news and commentary from the front lines of the democracy movement. We accept original and cross-posted essays, interviews, video, audio, cartoons and other images from people interested in strengthening democracy so it works for all of us. The views are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of Common Cause.

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Common Cause Member Call

Common Cause President, Karen Hobert-Flynn held a special phone briefing for members and supporters like you on June 23 at 8pm ET. She shared how we will use this next year to fight big money in politics, protect our right to vote, advance impartial redistricting reform, and more.

Money & Influence 06.23.2016

NEW REPORT: Shining a Light, Success of the Massachusetts Disclosure Law

Check out the new Common Cause Massachusetts Report - Shining a Light: Success of the Massachusetts Disclosure Law


Senators Playing Loose with Constitutional Rights

Their zeal to protect Americans from domestic terrorists, or perhaps to score political points for seeming to provide protection, is leading some members of Congress to toss aside constitutional rights.


How to move a political system that seems incapable of change

“There is no use speaking truth to power” the President of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee’s Legacy Project told a group of activists and college students in Washington last week.

Voting & Elections 06.21.2016

Internet Voting: It seems too good to be true, and it is

In less than one generation, the internet has become as central to American life as the automobile, the telephone and the television. We spend time with friends online, we shop online, we even file our taxes and manage our banking online. Why not vote online?

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