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Daily dispatches of news and commentary from the front lines of the democracy movement. We accept original and cross-posted essays, interviews, video, audio, cartoons and other images from people interested in strengthening democracy so it works for all of us. The views are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of Common Cause.

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8 Justices is not Enough

Americans depend on the Supreme Court to address the most important and most complicated questions about our laws, and the justices have plenty of those on their calendar this term, with cases ranging from voting rights to abortion to campaign finance.

Voting & Elections 06.8.2016

Gerrymander Gazette - June 3, 2016

Legislators’ revenge in Arizona and New Jersey, an invitation to sue in North Carolina, and great progress on reform in Illinois and Virginia make it clear that this will not be a quiet summer on the redistricting front. Let’s see how things are looking.

Stanford rape case exposes broken judicial system

Amid the nationwide outcry over the light sentence Santa Clara (CA) Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky imposed last week on a former Stanford University swimmer convicted of sexual assault, the judicial election process that put Persky on the bench and is helping him stay there has gone all but unnoticed.

Money & Influence 06.6.2016

Did Trump's money kill state probes?

The media are abuzz this week with reports that presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump may have used campaign donations to influence multiple state attorneys general to drop investigations into his now-defunct Trump University.

Media & Democracy 05.31.2016

Untold Stories Matter, Too

Pretend you’re a journalist (if you really are one, ignore that but read on anyhow) and someone calls and says “I’ve got a good and timely story that I think your readers/listeners would like to know about. There is a government agency that has both the authority and the responsibility to help clean up our broken big-money election campaigns—and it is refusing to do its job.” Let me explain.

Voting & Elections 05.27.2016

City of Sacramento Approves Language for Independent Redistricting Referendum

The Sacramento City Council approved language for a November referendum to create an independent redistricting commission to draw City Council districts. Following the successful efforts of the California Citizens Redistricting Commission to draw congressional, state legislative, and Board of Equalization districts based on nonpartisan criteria, municipalities are beginning to follow suit.

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