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Daily dispatches of news and commentary from the front lines of the democracy movement. We accept original and cross-posted essays, interviews, video, audio, cartoons and other images from people interested in strengthening democracy so it works for all of us. The views are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of Common Cause.

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Money & Influence 04.14.2016

Democracy Spring Day Three Focuses on Racial Justice

Protestors at the Capitol are building support for campaign finance reform

Voting & Elections 04.13.2016

Nebraska Legislature Sends Redistricting Reform Bill to Governor’s Desk

Today the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature passed LB 580, a bill that would create a nine-person independent citizens commission tasked with redrawing congressional and state legislative districts after each census.

Scandals Hit the South

Amid an outbreak of ethical violations in southern states, Common Cause is pushing reforms that increase transparency of political spending, limit the amount of money candidates can accept and establish reasonable enforcement mechanisms

Supreme Court unanimously upholds We The People: #EveryoneCounts & Everyone Deserves Representation

This morning, the Supreme Court unanimously struck down a politically-motivated activist attempt to re-write the Constitution to exclude non-voters from political representation.

Voting & Elections 03.23.2016

In Too Many Places, the Machinery of Our Elections Is Still Broken

In Arizona, Utah and Idaho, thousands of people stood for hours in line to vote on Tuesday

Voting & Elections 03.23.2016

NC A&T students speak out on campus gerrymandering

Students at NC A&T State University, the nation's largest historically black college or university, recently spoke out against new congressional voting maps that leave their campus split into two districts.

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