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Democracy Wire

Daily dispatches of news and commentary from the front lines of the democracy movement. We accept original and cross-posted essays, interviews, video, audio, cartoons and other images from people interested in strengthening democracy so it works for all of us. The views are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of Common Cause.

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Media & Democracy 08.6.2015

Competition benefits everyone

What happens when a community treats the Internet like an essential service?

Voting & Elections 08.4.2015

Fair Districts = Fair Elections: It’s time to change the Ohio Constitution

It’s time to change the Ohio Constitution and require fairness and prevent partisan bias. Issue 1 will be on this November’s ballot and does just that.

Money & Influence 08.4.2015

Forget Big Donors, 2016 Is Going To Be the Election of Mega-Donors

Most of the 2016 presidential candidates and their Super PACs filed campaign finance reports with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) late last week. These documents give a sneak-peek of how the 2016 election is shaping up to be the election of mega-donors.

Big Tobacco, Big Oil, and Big Pharma sponsors ALEC’s Annual Conference At San Diego Resort

The first night at ALEC’s conference I was quietly sitting at the hotel bar. One legislator handed a whisky to another legislator and I heard him say “don’t thank me, thank Pfizer.” When I asked the legislator if Pfizer just paid for his drink, he denied it.

Money & Influence 07.23.2015

Democracy Means Everyone

The 2016 presidential campaign early fundraising totals rolled in earlier this month, breaking records, but shocking no one.

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