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Voting & Elections 06.3.2015

Common Cause “Gerrymander Standard” First Place Winners

We are thrilled to announce the first place winners of the Common Cause “Gerrymander Standard” writing competition.

Voting & Elections 06.3.2015

Common Cause “Gerrymander Standard” Second Place Winners

As promised, we are announcing the winners of Common Cause’s inaugural Democracy Prize writing competition to identify the best “gerrymander standard.” On Monday, we announced the third place winners.

Money & Influence 06.2.2015

New Polls Shows Overwhelming Majority of Americans Support Money in Politics Solutions

A poll released by The New York Times and CBS News today shows that more than 80% of Americans support fundamental change or a complete overhaul of the way political campaigns are funded. The survey found majorities of both Republicans and Democrats favor strong campaign finance reforms, including:

Voting & Elections 06.1.2015

Common Cause “Gerrymander Standard” Third Place Winner

As co-chairs of Common Cause’s inaugural Democracy Prize writing competition to identify the best “gerrymander standard”, it’s our privilege to announce the winners of the competition this week, as promised on Friday.

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