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Daily dispatches of news and commentary from the front lines of the democracy movement. We accept original and cross-posted essays, interviews, video, audio, cartoons and other images from people interested in strengthening democracy so it works for all of us. The views are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of Common Cause.

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Money & Influence 04.20.2015

5 Ways You’re A Candidate (Even When You Say You’re Not)

Presidential hopefuls are trying to pull a fast one on us by claiming that they are “non-candidates,” because campaign finance laws impose strict fundraising limitations on prospects who are “testing the waters” and on declared candidates.

Media & Democracy 04.17.2015

A Broad Coalition Against Comcast

You have to hand it to Comcast, they really know how to organize the opposition.

Money & Influence 04.15.2015

2016 Presidential Hopefuls Weigh In On Money in Politics Issues

As the 2016 presidential campaign heats up, presidential contenders and potential candidates from both side of the aisle are talking more about the growing influence of big money in our political system, and their solutions to help solve the problem:

Nice Try, ALEC

We’ve exposed them for running a tax scam and a secretive “war on democracy.” We’ve documented how their “scholarship” program works as a slush fund to cover the cost of trips to luxury resorts for state legislators and how their corporate members ghostwrite legislation. We’ve worked with allies to successfully encourage dozens of corporations to abandon them.

Money & Influence 04.7.2015

Menendez Indictment Exposes Faultiness of Citizens United Logic

Last night, I spoke with Thom Hartmann about how Sen. Robert Menendez's indictment for corruption exposes the faulty reasoning behind the Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United and how we can fix that decision's corrosive influence in our democracy.

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