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Money & Influence 04.7.2015

Common Cause Oregon Interns Speak Out About The Lack Of Oregon's Campaign Contribution Limits

interns for Oregon campaign contribution limits getting money out of politics with SJR 5 get rid of political distrust give people a voice

Media & Democracy 04.6.2015

Who's in the tank for Comcast?

Comcast is a big, big, spender. It employs an army of lobbyists who use cash to influence everything from telecoms to ag policy (no really, last year it lobbied on the farm bill.) Their influence peddling extends up and down the ballot - from their 124 federal lobbyists, to their state-level meddling through ALEC, all the way down to city-level politics.


Schock and Menendez scandals highlight need for disclosure

Corruption isn’t hard to find in American government.

Voting & Elections 04.6.2015

Oregon Reform Coalition Backs Bills to Give the Public a Voice in the Redistricting Process

Oregon redistricting reform coalition makes the case for greater transparency in The Oregonian op-ed.

5 ways ALEC denies climate science

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a secretive corporate lobbying group funded by big oil companies and the Koch brothers, recently threatened legal action against Common Cause for calling them “climate change deniers.” So, it begs the question: Does ALEC’s complaint have merit? Well, here are the facts:

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