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Media & Democracy 02.9.2015

Copy of A Most Unvirtuous Circle

It’s shaping up as a great political year ahead—if you are a billionaire with an axe to grind or a broadcast or cable operator.

Media & Democracy 02.9.2015

A Most Unvirtuous Circle

It’s shaping up as a great political year ahead—if you are a billionaire with an axe to grind or a broadcast or cable operator.

Media & Democracy 02.9.2015

Missing Charles

Charles Benton has been gone less than a week, but I miss him already. I miss him as friend, as a thoroughly delightful person, and—apropos to this testimonial—a dauntless and effective champion of the public interest. I could not have admired this good man more.

Media & Democracy 02.9.2015

Comcast-TWC and the Open Internet: One Issue, Not Two

It’s now a two-front people’s crusade to prevent gatekeepers from wresting control of our nation’s communications ecosystem.

Media & Democracy 02.9.2015


Chairman Tom Wheeler said it best at last week’s historic FCC meeting: “The Internet is simply too important to allow broadband providers to be the ones making the rules.” Amen.

Media & Democracy 02.9.2015

From the Worst FCC Vote to the Best

But, 13 years later, a spirit of redemption is in the air. Last week, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler moved boldly to correct the bizarre classification rulings of his predecessors. He put forward a plan that would bring broadband providers clearly under the consumer-empowering provisions of Title II of the Telecommunications Act. Title II is where consumer protections, universal service, privacy, disability rights, and other important safeguards are housed.

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