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Voting & Elections 10.14.2014

DISAPPOINTMENT: High court ruling bans same day registration and out of precinct voting

The U.S. Supreme Court has reversed a federal court ruling which would have allowed same day voter registration and out of precinct provisional voting in North Carolina for the November elections.

Voting & Elections 10.13.2014

The Koch Brothers Are Trying to Rig Our Elections

Evidence links billionaire brothers to multi-state efforts to depress voter turnout

Voting & Elections 10.13.2014

Voter Suppression: Politics As Usual

What’s a politician to do when too many eligible voters – voters who could lean against him – register on the rolls? If you’re Georgia Secretary of State Kemp, keep ‘em off.

Voting & Elections 10.12.2014

4 takeaways about voter ID from Texas's ruling

Voting rights advocates are celebrating a Texas district court's decision to strike down the state's controversial strict photo ID law. We looked through the ruling, and there's plenty to celebrate.

Voting & Elections 10.10.2014

Common Cause New York Comments on Redistricting Report

Following the release of a report on redistricting by supporters of Issue 1, Common Cause New York commented on the problems with a proposal that would enshrine in the New York State Constitution a redistricting commission that is largely controlled by the legislature.

Voting & Elections 10.8.2014

Common Cause Praises Virginia District Court Finding that Legislature Manipulated Election Districts

Federal court overturns Virginia congressional districts.

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