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ALEC Picked Up Tab for Texas Lawmakers' Junkets

The corporate-backed American Legislative Exchange Council has spent thousands of dollars on "scholarships" that financed state legislator's trips to posh resorts

Press Club Panel Examines "New Nullification" in the Senate

A standing room only crowd turned out Tuesday at the National Press Club for a Common Cause-sponsored panel discussion of “The ‘New Nullification’ At Work,” a report issued this Spring on continuing dysfunction in the U.S. Senate.

As ALEC heads to Dallas, who's paying the bills

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a secretive, corporate-backed, lobby will have its annual conference next week in Dallas. More than 1,000 state lawmakers from across the country will convene for closed-door meetings with corporate lobbyists and executives to write “model bills” dealing with everything from education to telecommunications to environmental policy.


Round Up: Common Cause at Netroots

The thousands of progressive activists who turned out for last weekend’s Netroots Nation conference in Detroit included a strong contingent from Common Cause.

Money & Influence 07.21.2014

PR Watch Flushes Out the Kochs

In a PR Watch article posted on Monday, Brendan Fischer and Nick Surgey detail the immense power of the industrialists Charles and David Koch, the brothers who’ve become synonymous with big money in politics . The post explores how the brothers are able to legally give millions to political organizations every year.


What We’re Reading This Week – 7/11/14

This week: Keystone pipeline lobbying, redistricting, Udall amendment, and the People’s Pledge

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