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What We're Reading, Week Ending June 27

This week – MA SWAT teams, Mayday PAC, disclosure, and executive power

Money & Influence 06.25.2014

Common Cause, Students Press Sallie Mae to Disclose All Lobbying

Common Cause and other public interest groups called on student loan giant Sallie Mae today to make detailed financial disclosures of its lobbying activity.

Koch-backed Groups Linked to Scalia Trip, Speech Last Summer

Minutes after a lawyers’ group funded in part by industrialists Charles and David Koch welcomed Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia for a luncheon speech last August, another Koch-backed entity led a “stop government spending” rally in the same Montana hotel, a Common Cause analysis of Scalia’s annual financial disclosure report indicates


Common Cause Hawaii welcomes four new board members

We are so excited to bring on four talented new board members to our team at Common Cause Hawaii!

Money & Influence 06.20.2014

Walker Documents Strengthen Case for Campaign Finance Reform

New evidence of coordination between Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and groups supporting him strengthens case for campaign finance reform.

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