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Getting Around Contribution Limits in California

The Sacramento Bee is reporting on the depressing, yet openly honest admission from a state Assembly Member who opened a new candidate campaign committee just to get around the contribution limits and raise money for other candidates. No joke!

Speaker Ralston's Bad Toupee Bill

"More of a sun visor than a cap," is how Georgia House Speaker David Ralston described the Senate';s Rule limiting gifts from lobbyists to $100. He is so critical because of the exceptions the rule allows. He pledged to write … Continue reading

Money & Influence 12.5.2013

More Hidden Money is Being Revealed in California

Now, more has come out on the true source of the money, Virginia-based Americans for Jobs Security (AJS). According to California state campaign filings, American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) California donated a total of $400,000 to AJS in the months leading up to the election. While California's disclosure laws were strong enough to eventually reveal that the California-based organization was behind the money, the revelation came months after the election.

Voting & Elections 12.5.2013

Common Cause & Allies Defend Voting Rights Act

Common Cause joins in filing amici brief to the Supreme Court in Shelby County v. Holder, which threatens to invalidate the core of the Voting Rights Act

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