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Social media platforms must stop the spread of disinformation as ballot count continues.

Media & Democracy 10.28.2020

Overlooked Election Disinformation on Google is a Danger to our Democracy

Google is one of the few companies Americans find trustworthy to provide them with accurate information, yet Google’s efforts to stop the spread of election disinformation fall short due to significant gaps in its policies.

Why Ethics Are Essential

We’re letting candidates know that if they want to represent us in the halls of Congress or in overseeing our state democracy, they can start by pledging to ethical leadership now, as they campaign for our votes.


Taking Action to Stop Facebook Ads that Could Confuse Voters

Our disinformation team worked with Election Protection partners to remove Facebook ads.

Money & Influence 10.6.2020

Common Cause Joins Anti-Gun Violence Advocates in New Anthology on How to End Gun Violence in a Divided America

Ending gun violence will require fixing our democracy — but together, ordinary people can take on the gun lobby and win

Media & Democracy 09.29.2020

Memo to the Media: Election 2020 Reporting Without Amplifying Disinfo

Covering the 2020 elections are a challenge for reporters: unfortunately some stories are used to amplify disinformation about voting or the election process. Here are seven key tips for journalists on how to report responsibly and cover the election without harming voters with disinformation.

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