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SCOTUS Audio File and Transcript: Rucho v Common Cause, March 26, 2019

The official audio file and transcript from the Supreme Court of the United States, March 26, 2019, Rucho v Common Cause.


Rucho v. Common Cause SCOTUS Rally... As It Happened

As the Supreme Court heard our landmark lawsuit to end gerrymandering, hundreds of activists rallied outside to demand fair representaiton for every American. Here's what people at the rally had to say...

Lamone v Benisek: A Frustration with Gerrymandering Led One Man to the Supreme Court

Steve Shapiro was an engineer, a Democrat in Maryland, and a member of Common Cause. His frustration with his own state party and the way they gerrymandered district lines in 2011 led him to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Partisan Redistricting Before Elbridge Gerry: Why the History of Gerrymandering Matters Today

The history of redistricting and representation in the United States points to why the U.S. Supreme Court needs to finally outlaw partisan gerrymandering once and for all.

Gerrymandering Funnies: John Oliver April 9, 2017

As the Supreme Court considers Rucho v. Common Cause, we remember some of our favorite gerrymandering moments, this one from John Oliver's Last Week Tonight on HBO from April 9, 2017.

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