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MEMO: Potential Trump Campaign Violations Related to Manafort Communications with Kilimnik

The information revealed in Paul Manafort’s court filing may show that the 2016 Trump campaign violated federal campaign finance laws prohibiting candidates from receiving in-kind contributions from foreign nationals in the form of “coordinated expenditures” and requiring candidates to report all of their contributions and expenditures.


What is the For the People Act – also known as H.R. 1?

As Democrats take back control of the U.S. House of Representatives this week, their first item of business is a robust democracy reform package that aims to give everyday people a bigger voice in politics and to create a more ethical and accountable government.

Voting & Elections 12.13.2018

Subverting Democracy

Election fraud in North Carolina’s ninth congressional district must be fully investigated, and a new election may be needed


Lame Duck Power Grabs in The Midwest

Voters should have the final say in our democracy. But right now, Republicans in charge of legislatures in several Midwestern states are trying to rig the system -- because they didn’t like the election results. Make no mistake, the blatant power grabs by these legislatures in the lame duck sessions are an effort to ignore the will of everyday voters. We cannot sit quietly by and let them get away with it.

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