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Daily dispatches of news and commentary from the front lines of the democracy movement. We accept original and cross-posted essays, interviews, video, audio, cartoons and other images from people interested in strengthening democracy so it works for all of us. The views are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of Common Cause.

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Uncommon Reads: New Yorker “Donald Trump has been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy”

The first in a series of "Uncommon Reads" from Common Cause staff. These must reads are selected by the staff member indicated in the by-line. The writing excerpted is that of the author of the article being recommended.

Voting & Elections 08.13.2018

Robert Reich: Ten Steps to Finding Common Ground

Robert Reich offers advice on engaging political conversations with people we disagree with because democracy depends on it.

Voting & Elections 08.13.2018

60 Minutes: What Happened When Russian Hackers Attacked U.S. Election Infrastructure

Bill Whitaker of 60 Minutes takes us to the nondescript strip shopping center in Springfield, Illinois where the first shots were fired by Russia last year in what is now widely understood, by almost everyone but President Trump, as an ongoing cyber attack on our democracy.

Unite America in Opposition to Hate

As a fringe element of hateful racists gather outside the White House today for "Unite the Right 2," we should recall that many Americans rejected their message and the violence it inspired in Charlottesville last year. America's struggle with race is ongoing and in moments like this it is important to witness the healing that continues to propel us forward to the fixes we need, as well as the pain a few cause so many.

Voting & Elections 08.7.2018

Automatic Voter Registration Works…And Here Is The Evidence To Prove It

Voting is one of the fundamental ways Americans can make their voices heard in our democracy. But too often, the process of registering to vote can be tricky, confusing, and complicated. That’s one of the reasons why Common Cause has a nationwide campaign to push for a new innovative reform to make the process of voter registration more convenient and secure. It’s called automatic voter registration (AVR).

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