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Fair Districts Ohio: How Ohio Voters Forced Politicians Toward Fairness

Hedrick Smith, Pulitzer-prize winning journalist, and documentarian shares his "director's cut" video and discusses how voters in Ohio organized, built #FairDistrictsOhio, and won. Americans understand our democracy is vulnerable and being attacked by enemies foreign and domestic. But voters aren't in any mood to complain about problems these days, we're looking for practical solutions that work, like the story of how Fair Districts Ohio won a big battle in The Politicians v. The People.


Russian Oligarchs’ Unusual Access to Trump Inauguration

ABC News reports Russians close to Putin had unusual access to the Trump Inauguration.

Money & Influence 06.27.2018

Voters Shake the Establishment – Again!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez beat a 19-year incumbent in the biggest political upset of 2018.

Voting & Elections 06.22.2018

‘Crosscheck’ System Shuttered After Wrongly Tagging Legal Voters

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach's voter database has generated thousands of "false positive" duplicate registrations. Some states want to use to system to remove voters from their registration rolls.

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