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The Rule of Law

Zane Memeger, Esq., who served as the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania during the Obama Administration, offered the following remarks at a reception on June 12 at which he received the Bob Edgar Public Service Achievement Award from Common Cause Pennsylvania.

Media & Democracy 06.14.2018

Local Broadcast Giant Has Produced "Must-Run" Segments for Its Stations

The proposed deal with Tribune Media would create a media behemoth


Ranked-Choice Voting: Majority Rules in Maine’s New Voting System

Maine voters gave a vote of confidence on Tuesday to a vote-counting system that guarantees elected officials will have majority - not just plurality - support

Voting & Elections 06.13.2018

Senators Probe Election Security Preparedness

Tuesday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing sought to answer the question: “How well are we prepared if foreign agents attempt to interfere in our upcoming elections?” Judging by the expert testimony, the answer is “not very.”

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