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Money & Influence 05.10.2018

Women Setting Records As Candidates, Donors

The #MeToo movement may be felt at the ballot box this year.

Media & Democracy 05.9.2018

“Red Alert for Net Neutrality” Hitting the Hill Today

Senators are the target of a massive email, social media, and in-person campaign today to round up 51 votes for a resolution restoring net neutrality protections rolled back earlier this year by the Federal Communications Commission.

Swamp? What Swamp?

Million-dollar payments to his lawyer demonstrate that 16 months into the Trump presidency, the ethical bog candidate Trump promised to drain is larger and deeper than ever.


Ohio Voters Back Historic Plan to End Gerrymandering

Issue 1, which changes Ohio's Constitution to require strong bipartisan support for changes to the state's congressional districts, rolled up a big vote in Tuesday's statewide balloting.

Voting & Elections 05.8.2018

Primary Season Is Here and Our Elections Remain Vulnerable

State officials say $380 million Congress provided for machine upgrades isn't enough.

Who is Behind the Legal Challenge to Nonpartisan Redistricting in Michigan?

Hidden donors with apparent connections to corporate interests and Republican activists appear to be funding efforts to block a nonpartisan, anti-gerrymandering initiative.

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