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Daily dispatches of news and commentary from the front lines of the democracy movement. We accept original and cross-posted essays, interviews, video, audio, cartoons and other images from people interested in strengthening democracy so it works for all of us. The views are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of Common Cause.

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Hobert Flynn Details Threat to Accurate Census

Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn appeared today on CounterSpin, a daily podcast hosted by Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR), to discuss the controversy over a proposed citizenship question on the 2020 Census

Friday Grabbag

Scott Pruitt's sweet - and slightly shady - deal; a special favor for Gov. Scott; VA chief sacked after friendly call from the president.

Balanced Budget Amendment Push Highlights Congressional Hypocrisy

Washington always has an ample supply of hypocrisy but the seams are bursting with it this morning amid reports that the House Republican leadership plans to schedule a vote next week on a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.

Voting & Elections 03.28.2018

Maryland Joins March To Automatic Voter Registration

Add Maryland (probably) to the list of states that are taking an important step to strengthen democracy by adopting automatic voter registration.

Voting & Elections 03.28.2018

Justices Hearing Landmark Redistricting Case Today

Benisek v. Lamone, being argued this morning in the Supreme Court, raises what is arguably the most important question before the justices in their current term and could permanently transform American politics – for the better.

Money & Influence 03.27.2018

Maryland, Pennsylvania Move To Lower Barriers To Voting

A pair of mid-Atlantic states are adding to the national momentum for new laws that remove needless barriers to voting and break big money’s hold on our elections.

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