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Voting & Elections 03.21.2018

WATCH: Hill Briefing On Partisan Gerrymandering

U.S. Reps. Rod Blum, R-IA, and Alan Lowenthal, D-CA, joined Atlanta attorney Emmet Bondurant and Common Cause’s Marilyn Carpinteyro on Tuesday to brief reporters on the importance of independent redistricting and the current wave of legal challenges to partisan gerrymandering.

Voting & Elections 03.21.2018

Texas AG Looks To Block Student Voting

Texans take pride in doing things big, and apparently in the case of Attorney General Ken Paxton, doing things wrong.

Voting & Elections 03.21.2018

Senate Panel Pushes Election Security Measures

The Senate Intelligence Committee convened a rare public hearing this morning to highlight the Russian threat to this year’s midterm elections and a set of security measures the committee set out in writing on Tuesday.

Voting & Elections 03.20.2018

Supreme Court Signs Off on New Pennsylvania Districts

Pennsylvanians will vote this spring and in November in congressional districts that have been re-fashioned to wipe out a bias for Republican candidates, the U.S. Supreme Court decided on Monday.

Voting & Elections 03.20.2018

Washington State Expands Access to the Ballot Box

In the “other” Washington, the one that brought us Starbucks and Amazon, there’s good news today for our democracy.

Voting & Elections 03.19.2018

Interview Explores Gerrymandering in Pennsylvania

Common Cause Pennsylvania Executive Director Micah Sims was a guest on WDVM's "Sunday Newsmaker" program for a discussion of gerrymandering in the Keystone State.

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