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Voting & Elections 03.12.2018

States Lag In Hardening Voting Systems Against Attacks

A substantial number of states appear to be paying little attention to hard evidence from intelligence and law enforcement agencies that Russian cyber-vandals are working to hack into state election systems in advance of the 2018 midterm elections.

Voting & Elections 03.7.2018

Upcoming Challenge to New Congressional Map Shines Spotlight on Pennsylvania Once Again

Upcoming Challenge to New Congressional Map Shines Spotlight on Pennsylvania Once Again

Media & Democracy 03.6.2018

The Silence of the Bought

The U.S. Capitol grounds came alive last week as Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts and Rep. Mike Doyle of Pennsylvania convened an energy-filled rally in support of overturning the FCC’s recent decision to abolish the rules providing for net neutrality and an open internet.

Money & Influence 03.5.2018

Trump, Pence, RNC, Running Scheme To Skirt Election Laws, Common Cause Charges

President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and the Republican National Committee are running an elaborate scheme to skirt federal election laws and use illegal “soft money” contributions for the Trump-Pence reelection campaign, Common Cause charges in complaints filed today.

Voting & Elections 03.5.2018

Congress Provided $120 Mil To Counter Cyberattacks; Trump Won't Use It

The State Department has not spent even a penny of the $120 billion set aside by lawmakers to counter Russia’s cyberattacks on American democracy.

Money & Influence 03.2.2018

Common Cause, Allies, Look to Block Covert Attack On Campaign Finance Laws

As congressional appropriators work to fashion a mammoth spending bill to keep the federal government running, Republican leaders are again trying to use the “must pass” spending legislation to advance their guerilla war against sensible campaign finance laws.

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