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Media & Democracy 03.1.2018

Oregon Set To Enforce Net Neutrality Protections

Oregon is on the verge of joining a growing list of states that are stepping up to protect the free flow of information online in the wake of the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to repeal “net neutrality” protections.

Voting & Elections 03.1.2018

Good News From States on Voting Issues

There’s some encouraging news from several states this morning about voting rights and voting security.

Voting & Elections 02.28.2018

We're Not Doing Enough

As Russia attacks our elections, intelligence chief says Trump has given him no authority or direction to retaliate.

Media & Democracy 02.27.2018

Defending Net Neutrality

Common Cause activists are joining their counterparts from other democracy reform groups today in pressuring lawmakers to overturn the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to end net neutrality protections for internet users.

Money & Influence 02.26.2018

Wisdom Beyond Their Years

Americans who’ve given up on our democracy should take a lesson from the outpouring of student activism following the massacre at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Future of Public Worker Unions On the Line In the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is hearing a relatively little noticed case this morning that raises important questions about the breadth of the Constitution’s guarantee of freedom of speech and has huge implications for the future of public employee unions.

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