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Daily dispatches of news and commentary from the front lines of the democracy movement. We accept original and cross-posted essays, interviews, video, audio, cartoons and other images from people interested in strengthening democracy so it works for all of us. The views are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of Common Cause.

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Voting & Elections 01.29.2018

Bipartisan Groups of Governors, Lawmakers Join Gerrymandering Challenge

Common Cause and other groups that have been fighting for years on behalf of fairly-drawn congressional and legislative districts finally have the wind at our backs.

"Art of the Lie" Details Trump's Assault on Honesty, Integrity

A report released this morning by Common Cause and Democracy 21 paints a blistering portrait of President Trump and his first year in the White House – all in his own words and/or actions.

Citizens, Congress Must Stand Up for Mueller Probe

White House Counsel Don McGahn apparently stopped President Trump from firing Robert Mueller last summer; now it’s time for citizen action and members of Congress to make sure Trump doesn’t try it again.

Money & Influence 01.26.2018

DC Citizens On the Verge of Major Campaign Finance Reform

A citizens’ movement has brought the city government in our nation’s capital to the verge of implementing a tested-and-proven-effective way of breaking the power of big money in politics and getting candidates to focus their attention on public, not private interests.

Media & Democracy 01.25.2018

A Timely Pair of Reminders About People Power in America

Two very different stories this week, both involving young people, are reminders of the power each of us holds in the First Amendment and its guarantees of free speech and freedom of the press.

Money & Influence 01.25.2018

"A Closer Look" At the Trump Campaign's Alleged Payment to 'Adult' Film Star

Late night host Seth Meyers has some insightful analysis of Common Cause's charge that the Trump campaign may have broken federal law in buying the silence of "Stormy Daniels."

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