Digital Democracy Activists

The Movement that has proved that the People can Fight for Information Access and win!

The Digital Democracy Activist Program

The Common Cause Media and Democracy team hosts virtual Digital Democracy Activist (DDA) meetings Thursday Evenings at 8pm ET/ 7CT/ 5PT. DDA meetings are:

  • non-partisan
  • recorded
  • and open to the public

Many of us point to the 2016 election as the beginning of a culture of constant anxiety and distrust in both elections and our fellow Americans. Volunteer Monitor Kathy shared that election denial “has created a wedge in our family that makes it very difficult to talk about what really matters to the family and the country”  Instead of hopelessly watching as election lies spread to their community members, activists can make a real difference.

We are all connected by a deep concern for the current state of our democracy and information ecosystems.

Meetings feature digital literacy education and actions to take alongside our community of civic minded activists. Tech support is available at every meeting for those who need support navigating our activist tools. We encourage anyone interested in taking an active role in improving access to election information to join and learn along with us!

Every election since 2016, Common Cause volunteer activists have been leading the grassroots fight against cyber suppression funded by Dark Money. Our non-partisan grassroots approach has proven to be effective in building widespread community resilience to anti-voter narratives. The DDA program has a lasting impact on the volunteers ability to recognize and confidently push back against cyber suppression.

Information access is a democracy issue. 1 in 5 Americans live in information gaps, where they are vulnerable to lies about our democratic process. Tech advancements alongside a widespread lack of platform willingness to address election lies pose a serious threat to voters in 2024.  Instead of solely tackling election disinformation after it spreads to and harms our communities, we act to proactively defend our information ecosystems from election lies before they suppress voter confidence.

2024 is set to be the biggest election year in human history and social media platforms have abandoned their duty to moderate inaccurate content about our elections. To meet this moment, we need regular democracy-minded people to take action to defend their communities from election disinformation.

From sharing election information to investigating bad actors- there are actions we can all take to keep voters informed!


Join the Digital Democracy Activists!

Do you believe that accessible internet, local journalism, online privacy, and responsible social media platforms are essential to a functioning democracy?

Learn about the fight for Digital Democracy + take action with our community of digital democracy activists. All volunteer experience/ technology comfort levels are welcome!

Voting is the first step not the last

Attend a DDA Meeting

Join our Action Team Slack Workspace


Digital Democracy Activist Calendar


27 Results

Reset Filters



27 Results

Reset Filters

Tell the Senate: Abolish the filibuster


Tell the Senate: Abolish the filibuster

I’m sick of watching overwhelmingly popular policies fall victim to one anti-democracy Senate rule: the filibuster.

Our government needs to represent us – and act in the interest of the people who voted them into power. The Senate’s minority can’t continue dictating the outcome of almost all Senate legislative business. We must immediately eliminate the filibuster.

Tell cable providers: Don’t raise our bills to fund Fox News’ lies


Tell cable providers: Don’t raise our bills to fund Fox News’ lies

We cannot trust Fox News to tell the truth.

Allowing Fox News to continue profiting off disinformation and conspiracy theories – when we ALREADY know that they’ve lied to viewers about our elections – is a major mistake, and dangerous for our democracy.

We’re calling on cable providers to say no to the Fox Fee. We will not pay more in our cable bills to subsidize Fox News’ lies.

Sign the Petition: We need fair, independent redistricting


Sign the Petition: We need fair, independent redistricting

Our elections should represent the will of the people, not partisan interests. We need to reform the rules to END gerrymandering – so that our government is truly of, by, and for the people.

Tell Congress: REJECT attempts to undermine our Census


Tell Congress: REJECT attempts to undermine our Census

Adding a citizenship question to the U.S. Census and excluding millions of U.S. residents from apportionment counts would discourage countless Americans, whether they’re citizens or not, from filling out the Census.

Getting Census counts right is critical to making sure our government works for everyone. Congress must REJECT this dangerous legislation and help protect fair and accurate Census counts.

We need a REAL Supreme Court code of conduct


We need a REAL Supreme Court code of conduct

The Supreme Court’s weak, voluntary “code of conduct” falls short of what we need. We demand REAL, enforceable ethics standards now.

Congress must pass the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act and create the strongest possible code of conduct for our highest court.

Tell Congress: REJECT Trump and Johnson’s dirty tricks


Tell Congress: REJECT Trump and Johnson’s dirty tricks

Congress must REJECT Donald Trump and Speaker Mike Johnson’s lies about noncitizen voting. These xenophobic scare tactics hurt all of us and make it harder for all eligible voters to cast a ballot.

Our leaders should instead pass pro-voter reforms like the Freedom to Vote Act and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to encourage voters and increase participation in our elections.

REJECT and RESCIND any calls for an Article V Convention


REJECT and RESCIND any calls for an Article V Convention

We the People will not allow unelected, unaccountable delegates to write their agenda into our Constitution. Our state lawmakers must reject any new Article V Convention calls and rescind any existing calls for a Convention.

Digital Democracy Action Directory

Recognize and Stop Disinformation
  • Verify Voting instructions: Your state’s secretary of state website (make sure it ends with .gov)


Share Election Information


Defend Your Digital Civil Rights

File a Consumer Complaint to the FCC

Learn more about the fight for information access

Keep Florida Voting

Florida Campaign

Keep Florida Voting

New laws and voting rules can be confusing, but together we can make sure all eligible Florida voters have access to the ballot box.
Election Protection Project in Indiana

Indiana Campaign

Election Protection Project in Indiana

Every federal election year Common Cause Indiana recruits, trains, and deploys volunteers to help voters at risk of being disenfranchised.
Overcoming Big Money Influence

Oregon Campaign

Overcoming Big Money Influence

Common Cause Oregon is strengthening every voice, not just the voices of the wealthy few.
2024 Trump Disqualification Lawsuit


2024 Trump Disqualification Lawsuit

On January 30, 2024, Common Cause filed a brief before the U.S. Supreme Court urging them to disqualify Donald Trump under the 14th Amendment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Common Cause?

Common Cause is a non-partisan grassroots organization that has been holding power accountable as the people’s lobby since 1970. We believe that Democracy as the people’s right to choose their government is our common cause for a better future for all.

How Old Do You Have to Be To Participate?

DDA meetings are considered to be rated PG-13. We encourage anyone over 13 to participate in DDA actions and meetings if they are  interested in using technology to get civically engaged.

However, Social Media Monitoring is restricted to those 18+ due to the subject matter being elections and disinformation, some content found on social media while monitoring may contain violent imagery/ rhetoric and mature themes.

If you are interested in hosting anti/disinformation events geared toward young/ newly eligible voters, or have any questions contact us at

Can I invite my org/ group to attend these meetings?

Yes! Digital Democracy Meetings and Tools are created to be shared with anyone who would like to include elements of the fight for information in their programming. Feel free to promote our event on your organization’s mobilize page, share the sign up link on social media or with your email lists. If you are directing folks to a DDA meeting consider signing up to speak or support at a meeting, we would love to hear from your group why this work impacts your effort. Reach out at

The Media and Democracy Team



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