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Democracy Wire

Together, we are building the next generation of democracy leaders, equipping student activists with the skills they need to hold power accountable on their campus, in their community, and beyond.


Amherst College Intern for Democracy Internship

We are excited to offer a variety of internships to Amherst College students that are participating in the Intern for Democracy program.


Addressing Gun Violence in Maryland: A Call for Comprehensive Solutions

"Gun violence remains a persistent and devastating issue in communities all across the United States, and Maryland is not an exception."


Revitalizing Legacy: The Imperative of Supporting HBCUs Financially

"Addressing the HBCU funding gap is not just a matter of fairness — it's crucial for building a more inclusive and stronger legacy in our education systems."


Common Cause Spring 2024 Interns

Thank you to our spring 2024 interns!


One Step Further: Domestic Violence Shelters In Georgia Combat Homelessness for Survivors

An overview of the connection between domestic violence and homelessness in Georgia.


Food Insecurity in West End Atlanta: The Hidden Crisis We Can No Longer Ignore

"Together, we can ensure that all residents of the West End have access to healthy, nutritious food and the opportunity to thrive."


We are thankful for the work of our fellows.


Alliance for Emerging Power | October Newsletter

✊ This democracy movement takes ALL of us.


Alliance for Emerging Power | September Newsletter

👀 You're going to want this update on where the youth voting rights movement currently stands.


Thirsty For Change: How To Move Forward Regarding The Jackson Water Crisis

"To ensure access to clean water, we need to invest in infrastructure maintenance and repairs."


Alliance for Emerging Power August Newsletter

Check out this month's newsletter to learn more about the ACP, Common Cause's 53rd Anniversary, and the great things we're doing across the country!


Welfare programs should not be a political issue

Welfare was created to help people, and it should continue for the same reason: because it helps people.


Embracing Critical Race Theory: A Call for Honest Dialogue

An honest dialogue about CRT can help to eliminate contention.


Alliance for Emerging Power July Newsletter

Check out our first newsletter to learn more about voting rights, SCOTUS, and the great things we're doing across the country!

Join the movement over 1 million strong for democracy

Join us: Americans deserve open, honest, accountable government.