
A Stain on the City of Jackson, Mississippi

Maniah Williams

In the heart of Mississippi, where struggles of the past intertwine with challenges of the present, lies Jackson, Mississippi. Jackson is known as “ The City With Soul” for its cultural heritage, history and southern charm. However, I’m afraid systemic issues within the city have placed a stain on the city’s name. 

Coming to Jackson State University in the fall of 2021, I was an excited freshman who was happy to be in a new city that would become my new home for the next 4 years. While moving into my dorm, I heard gunshots a few blocks away and that excitement immediately disappeared. Eventually, hearing gunshots block away from campus became normal to me. It still made me feel unsafe and scared but it was something I would have to deal with. 

The water crisis was something I had never experienced before in my life. Clean water was something I had become so accustomed to. The idea of a city in America having unreliable and contaminated water in the 21st century was and still is something that perplexes me. I had to take “showers” with bottled water, use bottled water to brush my teeth and use bottled water to cook. 

I had a hope that things would get better within a few weeks, however it’s been 3 years, and residents, including myself, are still grappling with issues that were promised to be fixed and under control by now. When is enough enough? What do residents have to do to be heard and seen by the state government? 

A governance breakdown is at the core of this failure. The water crisis has been made worse by local and state officials’ poor planning, mishandling, and disregard for vital infrastructure. Jackson’s water infrastructure is on the verge of collapse due to years of underfunding and neglected maintenance. The efforts of this negligence are felt not just in times of emergency but also day-to-day hardships faced by residents who have to deal with the basic need for clean water. 

In regards to the increasing crime rate, tackling the underlying causes of crime is just one aspect of the solution. Making sure law enforcement organizations have the tools, instruction, and assistance they require to successfully fight crime and maintain community safety is equally crucial. Investing in community policing programs that promote cooperation and confidence between law enforcement agents and the communities they serve is one way to achieve this. By establishing trusting bonds and 

interacting with the community, law enforcements can learn about local issues and collaborate to find solutions. 

The systemic issues Jackson has been facing for decades are damaging the city because they are creating cycles of inequality, injustice and disadvantages. The water crisis and increasing crime rate is a wake up call for all. It should be a reminder of the consequences citizens face when they are neglected by the government through failing infrastructures, mislocation of funds, poverty, and community well-being is not given priority. The future of Jackson rests on the ability of its residents to come together as a group and confront this crisis head-on. The moment for change for the sake of the city is now. 



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