
Diversity in Engineering: Essential for Tomorrow

Jonas Goss

For too long, American engineering has mostly been made up of white men. There haven’t been enough women and minorities involved, which stops us from getting all the different perspectives and ideas we need. But engineering is all about being creative and coming up with new things. It needs smart people from all over the world. If we keep certain groups out, we’re not moving forward, and we’re keeping unfair systems in place. Our goal should be to make the world better than how we found it. To do that, we have to include everyone, no matter their race or gender, and let them be part of making changes. 

Engineering is about being creative and coming up with new ideas. But if everyone thinking up these ideas is the same, we’re missing out on a lot. By not including women and minorities, we’re not only denying them chances but also missing out on what they could bring to the table. So, embracing diversity isn’t just about doing the right thing; it’s crucial for making real progress. 

The idea behind engineering is to make things better. But we can’t do that if some people are left out. To really make a difference, we need to break down the barriers that stop women and minorities from being part of engineering. This means we have to work hard to get rid of unfair treatment in how people are chosen, kept, and promoted in engineering jobs. 

Also, diversity isn’t just about having different types of people around; it’s about making sure everyone feels valued and supported to do their best. We need to create places where everyone’s voice matters and where we celebrate our differences. This means setting up programs to help people from underrepresented groups get ahead. By making sure everyone feels included, we not only make our workforce stronger but also make sure we’re coming up with solutions that work for everyone. 

And it’s not just about being nice; it’s about being smart too. Studies show that teams with different backgrounds and experiences do better work. They come up with more ideas and solutions to problems. In a world where we’re all connected, using different perspectives isn’t just helpful; it’s necessary for staying ahead. 

In the end, diversity in engineering isn’t just a slogan; it’s something we really need to make things better. By including everyone, we not only come up with better ideas but also make our society fairer. As people who care about progress, it’s up to us to get rid of the things that keep people out and make sure everyone has a chance to be part of building a better future. 



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