
인턴십 증언

Here’s what our interns had to say about their experience!

California intern advocacy day

Common Cause interns accomplish incredible work, learn important skills, gain a strong understanding of the democracy landscape, and bring their own experiences and perspective to Common Cause.

“This internship made me look at issues that I had never even thought about that are happening locally! I always think nationally when I think about issues and this internship helped me realize that looking locally is just as important.” quote by Nebraska intern Hellen
“I would recommend a Common Cause internship to my peers. The environment is very welcoming and I think that the work Common Cause does is really important. My internship has confirmed that I want to help others in the future. I would also like to maybe do something more research based in the future.” quote by Maryland intern Ariell
quote by communications intern Alison
New Mexico Intern

If you have questions about our internship opportunities please reach out to 청소년 프로그램@commoncause.org.



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