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Removing Barriers — How Maryland Legislators Can Make The State More Worker-Friendly

Removing Barriers — How Maryland Legislators Can Make The State More Worker-Friendly

Rondez Green

"If the health of an education system is assessed through achievement and attainment, it is critical that Maryland legislators follow the Baltimore example in removing barriers to success. Specifically, it is time that the Maryland General Assembly make community college available — free of tuition and fees — for all county residents."

‘We Are Black Women’: A Story of Injustices in America and Holding Power Accountable

‘We Are Black Women’: A Story of Injustices in America and Holding Power Accountable

Ashley King

"Whether it was me in Rocky Mount, NC, Eleanor Bumpurs in the Bronx, LaTanya Haggerty in Chicago, or Rosann Miller in Brooklyn, it is evident that Black women have been racially and sexually profiled at rates that surpass that of our white counterparts, and yet we hear very little of this in the media."

Watching Change: A Story of How Youths Can Inspire a New Future

Watching Change: A Story of How Youths Can Inspire a New Future

Giovanna Burno

"Politics is a source of division in the world; as a teen, I thought there was no way to get along with someone who thought differently than I did. After hearing stories and seeing people behind policies, I realized that we may be opposed to policies, but almost all of us in the world are trying to make it better."

‘Shaping This World’ — How Gen. Z Is Getting More Engaged in Politics Than Ever

‘Shaping This World’ — How Gen. Z Is Getting More Engaged in Politics Than Ever

Iris Zhan

"For the longest time, I felt super alone for being so political, aware, and angry all the time. When I started climate activism, I felt like a boy crying wolf who was never lying about the wolf in the first place. Little did I know I was part of a growing youth movement that would become mainstream in no time."

The Power of a Congress that Looks like the People

The Power of a Congress that Looks like the People

Nick Fulton

"Congress was designed to be a direct channel for people to speak to power, and when we only allow these spaces of power to be occupied by a specific demographic, we do a disservice to the promise of democracy."



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