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At Common Cause: Recognizing Our Democracy Fellows During Black History Month

At Common Cause: Recognizing Our Democracy Fellows During Black History Month

As we honor and work to advance the legacies of Black change-makers this Black History Month, we here at Common Cause want to take a special moment to highlight some of our Democracy Fellows – as well as the transformative work they have spearheaded at their Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

USA Today: HBCU bomb threats are a painful reminder of past anti-Black violence, students say

USA Today: HBCU bomb threats are a painful reminder of past anti-Black violence, students say

Claire Thornton

USA Today: HBCU bomb threats are a painful reminder of past anti-Black violence, students say Sophia Parker, who is a Spelman fellow for Common Cause, a nonpartisan group that defends voting rights, said she thinks there's been "a lack of action taken on behalf of Black Americans" when threats are made against them. ... Parker and her fellow Spelman students plan to reach out to elected officials this month. The threats Spelman and other HBCUs faced were, in part, caused by pushes to ban discussions about racism...



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