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Labor Day

Common Cause pauses to celebrate Labor Day.

The arrival of Labor Day reminds us that Americans are a working people.

In what is the blink of an eye to history, the work of millions of Americans transformed a wilderness into a stunningly vibrant, diverse and mostly prosperous nation. Americans have made mistakes aplenty and no doubt will make more, but we’re resilient and optimistic and determined to fashion a better nation and a better world for ourselves and generations to come.

At Common Cause, we believe success in that quest depends on preserving and strengthening democracy. When citizens are denied the right to vote, when big money rather than big ideas rules in the public square, when fruits of the prosperity we’ve all created are directed to a few at the top of the economic ladder, democracy suffers.

These issues drive our work and we invite you to join us in pursuing them. Today we join in pausing and celebrating the labor of every American.

Have a great holiday.



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