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Gerrymander Gazette: Curious Critique Edition

Capacitaciones y eventos

  • Join Fair Districts Ohio for an upcoming event about the winners of our congressional redistricting contest. Fair Districts Congressional Map Winners: Updates Based on Public Input, Weds, 10/20, Noon ET. 1st place map: bit.ly/OhioMapO; 2nd place map: bit.ly/OhioMapA;  3rd place map: bit.ly/OhioMapH
  • Join the Youth Redistricting Panel on Monday, October 25 at 5:00 pm PT/8:00 pm ET! Hosted by CHARGE partners, this seminar offers students in high school and college the opportunity to hear from their peers on the importance of redistricting and how they can get involved. If you are interested in learning how you can be an advocate for your community, this is the panel for you. Regístrate aquí.
  • Join Marquette University Law School’s On the Issues series on October 26 at 12:15 pm CT as we host Common Cause Wisconsin Executive Director Jay Heck and Common Sense Wisconsin Executive Director Joe Handrick. We will discuss what Wisconsin’s new redistricting maps could look like, and whether that could impact the balance of power in Madison and the outcomes of Wisconsin’s congressional races. The forum will also cover voting rights and election integrity. Regístrate aquí.

Recursos y anuncios

  • The interactive “Redistricting & You” comparison maps are now available in Massachusetts, in partnership between the CUNY Graduate Center and the Drawing Democracy Coalition. This website displays the congressional and state legislative Unity Map proposals as well as State Senate and House districts recently proposed by the Massachusetts legislature. We compared these plans with current district lines using detailed demographic data and redistricting metrics for each plan and map overlays showing predominant race/Hispanic origin patterns by block group, 2020 voting patterns, and counties, towns, and cities to see which are split by proposed districts.
  • On October 14, the Hawaii Reapportionment Commission adopted a congressional (alternate) plan for Hawaii’s two federal House seats. The process will now move to public hearings, which have yet to be scheduled. View the map here.
  • The Students Learn, Students Vote Coalition has launched a website that serves as a getting started process guide for college campuses and students who want to get involved in redistricting.


Este boletín ha sido producido por Common Cause y compilado por Dan Vicuna. Suscríbete al Gerrymander Gazette aquí. Para obtener más información o transmitir novedades, póngase en contacto con Dan Vicuña.

Lea números anteriores aquí.



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