2423 results

Common Cause Calls for Impeachment & Removal of President Donald J. Trump

For nearly 50 years, Common Cause has been a nonpartisan advocacy organization strengthening the people’s voice in our democracy as well a good government watchdog highlighting the abuses of power by Republicans and Democrats alike. For the first time in its history, Common Cause is calling for the impeachment and removal from office of a sitting president. Common Cause documents its historic call in a new report recommending nine articles of impeachment against President Trump and the facts that support the articles.

Common Cause Delivers 98,000 Petitions Urging PBS to Air Impeachment Proceedings in Prime Time

Today, Common Cause delivered petitions from over 98,000 Americans to PBS urging the nation’s public broadcaster to televise the full impeachment hearings of President Trump in prime time.

Common Cause Increases Legal Expertise on Voting Rights Ahead of 2020 Election

With increased public scrutiny of the security, accessibility, fairness, and overall integrity of voting and elections as we approach 2020, Sylvia Albert joins Common Cause as its National Director of Voting & Elections. Albert brings more than a decade of professional experience in public interest law and public policy campaigns expanding ballot access, reducing barriers to participation, and combating voter intimidation among historically disenfranchised communities. She has also done extensive work on fair housing issues serving as a...

Trump Emoluments Clause Violations Compounded as he Awards G-7 to His Own Resort

President Trump’s contempt for the United States Constitution is laid bare again with the White House announcement that the G-7 Summit will be held at a Trump resort in Florida. If not stopped by the courts, the summit would represent yet another violation of the emoluments clause as the President harnesses the power of his office to pad his own bank account.

Common Cause Honors Four Defenders of Democracy

Today, Common Cause honors four “Defenders of Democracy” who have played pivotal roles in reshaping America’s legal landscape to address the scourge of partisan gerrymandering.

El Departamento de Justicia y la Comisión Federal Electoral (FEC) presentaron denuncias contra el presidente Trump, Rudy Giuliani y otros por solicitar contribuciones ilegales al presidente ucraniano

Today, Common Cause filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that President Donald Trump and his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani illegally solicited a political contribution from a foreign national—by repeatedly urging Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Hunter Biden and 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden. The allegations were first published in The Wall Street Journal, and subsequently President Trump admitted that during a July 25th phone call he...

Common Cause aplaude la revocación por parte del Tercer Circuito de la desregulación de la propiedad de los medios de comunicación por parte de la FCC

Hoy, el Tribunal de Apelaciones de los Estados Unidos para el Tercer Circuito emitió una decisión que anula y devuelve las decisiones de la FCC de revocar varias de sus normas sobre propiedad de los medios de comunicación. Las normas prohibían que una sola entidad fuera dueña de demasiadas estaciones de periódicos, radio y televisión dentro de un mercado local. Al anular y devolver las decisiones de la FCC, el Tercer Circuito determinó específicamente que la FCC no consideró adecuadamente el efecto que tendría la revocación de las normas sobre propiedad de los medios de comunicación en la propiedad de radiodifusión por parte de mujeres y personas de color.

Common Cause pide a la Corte que publique los archivos secretos del cerebro del gerrymandering republicano

Common Cause Continues Calls for Congressional Impeachment Investigation as Vote Approaches  

Today, as the House Judiciary Committee prepares to vote on an impeachment inquiry, Common Cause continued its call for Members to support the investigation in response to White House non-cooperation and stonewalling of any attempts to investigate past and current potential criminal conduct or wrongdoing by President Trump or members of his administration. Common Cause mobilized its 1.2 million members over the congressional recess to gain additional Member support for the impeachment inquiry in the U.S. House of Representatives.   

Common Cause Urges States to Expand Voter Registration through Lottery Tickets

Today, in advance of National Voter Registration Day on September 24th, Common Cause called on state lottery commissioners throughout the country to add voter registration information to the back of lottery tickets. In a letter to commissioners in the 45 states with lotteries, the nonpartisan government watchdog emphasized how this common-sense step could reach thousands of potential voters.



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