2423 results

Kochs and the Cross-Ownership: Formula for a Weaker Democracy

Letter to the editor: A way forward on campaign finance?

Steps forward — and back — at the FCC

The Voting Rights Act: Looking Back and Moving Forward

Forbes: La FCC vota a favor de restablecer la neutralidad de la red: una victoria para los consumidores y la democracia

El ex comisionado de la FCC y asesor especial de Common Cause, Michael Copps, compartió su perspectiva sobre la importancia de restablecer la neutralidad de la red: “Si no estuviera fuera del país hoy, estaría personalmente en la FCC saltando de alegría y saludando a la mayoría por restablecer las reglas de neutralidad de la red que fueron eliminadas tan tontamente por la Comisión anterior”.

Copps ha sido un firme defensor de una Internet abierta durante más de dos décadas, enfatizando que las reglas restablecidas no solo son moderadas sino que anteriormente habían sido...

Honolulu Civil Beat: Dark Clouds And A Little Sunshine: Here’s The Forecast For Legislative Reform in ’24

“We’re going guns blazing for (public) campaign financing,” said Camron Hurt, program director for Common Cause Hawaii, calling it the organization’s top legislative priority.

Common Cause won’t be alone. The State Campaign Spending Commission also plans to seek expansion of public financing of campaigns.

Raw Story/The Hartmann Report: The Secret GOP Plot to Change our Constitution Slithers Forward

Common Cause and the Center for Media and Democracy have been at the forefront of sounding the alarm and I’ve hot-linked their names to their most recent articles about the work they’re doing to try to stop the billionaire machine devoted to rewriting our Constitution.

Please check them out, get on their mailing lists, and spread the word. This is one of those things that Republicans on the Court could use to seemingly spring out of nowhere and bring down our democracy once and for all.

Capitol Beat: Lawsuit challenging redrawing of Georgia’s congressional districts moving forward

“Having fair maps makes elected politicians responsive to the needs and wants of the people by having elections where voters make the calls,” Aunna Dennis, executive director of Common Cause Georgia, said following Tuesday’s ruling. “We deserve better, and the law demands better, than the current voting maps that prevent Georgia’s communities on the margins of society from having a meaningful say in the halls of Congress.”

Bolts: Wisconsin’s Election Office In Limbo After GOP Tries To Force Out Its Director

“Either way, we’re screwed,” warned Jay Heck, the executive director of the good-government group Common Cause’s Wisconsin chapter.

Associated Press: Air Force One doubles as a campaign jet for Biden’s reelection run. Who pays what?

When it comes to paying back the government for travel, “it’s always somewhat of an opaque process for how it’s reimbursed,” said Aaron Scherb, senior director of legislative affairs at the watchdog group Common Cause. “It’s a little bit more of an art than a science.”



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