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Inside Sources/Tribune News Service (Op-Ed): WATERGATE at 50: January 6 Is America’s New Watergate — Only Worse

The January 6, 2021, insurrection was much more than an attack on the U.S. Capitol, as dangerous and grotesque as it was. It was a direct result of a criminal conspiracy orchestrated by the Trump White House to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 election and silence the voices of millions of Americans.

The New Republic: New York’s Redistricting Has Caused a “Trainwreck Of Democrats’ Own Creation”

“The current maps are often pointed to, ‘Oh, look how terrible they are.’ But they are drafted to give specific communities a fair chance to choose their own representatives,” said Susan Lerner, the executive director of Common Cause New York, an advocacy group which opposed the new map. She noted that a special master appointed by a federal court had drawn the previous congressional map, and said that he had taken these demographic factors into account. ...

“People do not live, work and play in neat lines and boxes....

NBC News: New congressional map for N.Y. sets stage for major clashes in Democratic primaries

Susan Lerner, the executive director of Common Cause New York, a voting rights and good governance advocacy group, also criticized the new map, arguing in a statement that it “divides communities of interest and neighborhoods, particularly in New York City, and ignores the cores of the existing Congressional districts.”

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2024 Trump Disqualification Lawsuit

On January 30, 2024, Common Cause filed a brief before the U.S. Supreme Court urging them to disqualify Donald Trump under the 14th Amendment.

Voto Popular Nacional

Common Cause está trabajando para garantizar que el voto de todos realmente cuente en las elecciones presidenciales.

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Voto Popular Nacional y Colegio Electoral

Merecemos unas elecciones presidenciales en las que cada votante tenga voz y voto en igualdad de condiciones y en las que el candidato ganador deba colaborar con los 50 estados. Common Cause está presionando para arreglar el problema del Colegio Electoral.

Common Cause New Mexico pide al fiscal general que investigue el cumplimiento de ALEC con las leyes estatales sobre impuestos y cabildeo

Inmediatamente después de presentar una denuncia ante el IRS por abuso de las leyes tributarias federales, Common Cause New Mexico solicitó hoy al Fiscal General Gary King que investigue el estatus fiscal del Consejo Americano de Intercambio Legislativo (ALEC) en Nuevo México.



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