
Dígale al Congreso: RECHACE los intentos de socavar nuestro censo

Agregar una pregunta sobre ciudadanía al Censo de Estados Unidos y excluir a millones de residentes de ese país de los recuentos de distritos desalentaría a innumerables estadounidenses, sean ciudadanos o no, de completar el Censo.

Es fundamental que los recuentos del censo sean correctos para garantizar que nuestro gobierno funcione para todos. El Congreso debe RECHAZAR esta legislación peligrosa y ayudar a proteger los recuentos del censo justos y precisos.


Congressional Republicans are pushing legislation to exclude millions of people from how seats in Congress are divided and add a citizenship question to the U.S. Census.

Census experts warn that this question would discourage countless Americans – whether they’re citizens or not – from filling out the survey. This would lead to a significant undercount, particularly in Latino and Asian American communities.

Not only does the Census determine the size and power of our congressional districts, but it also impacts local issues that directly affect everyone – like school funding, the number of hospitals in our communities, and road and public transit improvements.

The Constitution is clear: every U.S. resident must be counted in each Census and be included in apportionment counts. Court after court has backed this up – including the Supreme Court, which rejected the Trump administration’s efforts to add a citizenship question in 2019 after Common Cause and others successfully sued his administration.

We must speak out NOW to stop this xenophobic anti-voter campaign in its tracks. Tell Congress: REJECT this blatant attempt to undermine our Census for political gain.



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