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Five Reasons Why eBay Should Leave ALEC

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Five Reasons Why eBay Should Leave ALEC

With major tech companies’ recent departure from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a secretive corporate lobbying group, it’s a wonder why eBay remains a member. We’re asking them to leave – add your voice today!

Strong Support for the Open Internet in Texas – and Across the Land

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Strong Support for the Open Internet in Texas – and Across the Land

We all depend on our communications ecosystem, and we should all have a say in its future. The regulators making decisions that will shape how Americans connect and communicate for a generation ought to be listening to us.

Poniendo en claro los ISP de Chicken Little

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Poniendo en claro los ISP de Chicken Little

Los opositores a una Internet verdaderamente abierta están gastando millones de dólares para transformar el debate sobre lo que debería ser una decisión regulatoria obvia en algo análogo a lanzar una bomba de hidrógeno.

The Internet’s Future Is Now

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The Internet’s Future Is Now

So 2014 will pass into history without the FCC stepping up to the plate to ensure an Open Internet. Think the of the good history the Commission could have made for itself. Instead we got more delay and more uncertainty about whether Title II net neutrality will ever see the light of day.

A Book For Now

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A Book For Now

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” philosopher George Santayana once said. It’s an old adage but apt as ever—particularly pertinent for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as it sets about deciding the fate of the Open Internet.

President Obama’s Comments on Voter ID Don’t Line Up With The Facts

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President Obama’s Comments on Voter ID Don’t Line Up With The Facts

While the President’s comments make it sound as if voter ID is not that burdensome, studies have shown that voter ID laws remain a major obstacle to the ballot box for a hundreds of thousands of Americans.

ALEC’s Corporate Sponsors Should Be Held Accountable For Forcing Taxpayers to Subsidize Their Lobbying

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ALEC’s Corporate Sponsors Should Be Held Accountable For Forcing Taxpayers to Subsidize Their Lobbying

Over the past few weeks, a parade of prominent corporations have cut or announced plans to cut their ties with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The exodus started because of ALEC’s promotion of model legislation that denies climate change science. Google Chairman Eric Schmidt said on NPR that Google’s funding of ALEC was “part of a political game” that became a “mistake” for the company because “[t]hey’re just literally lying” about the “facts of climate change.”

SCOTUS Allows Texas Voter ID To Go Forward

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SCOTUS Allows Texas Voter ID To Go Forward

SCOTUS lets Texas's voter ID go forward in spite of the trial court's finding that it was intentionally discriminatory and an unconstitutional poll tax.



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