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PR Watch Flushes Out the Kochs

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PR Watch Flushes Out the Kochs

In a PR Watch article posted on Monday, Brendan Fischer and Nick Surgey detail the immense power of the industrialists Charles and David Koch, the brothers who’ve become synonymous with big money in politics . The post explores how the brothers are able to legally give millions to political organizations every year.

What We’re Reading This Week – 7/11/14

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What We’re Reading This Week – 7/11/14

This week: Keystone pipeline lobbying, redistricting, Udall amendment, and the People’s Pledge

The Slippery Slope of Individual Rights for Corporations

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The Slippery Slope of Individual Rights for Corporations

The Supreme Court is supposed to protect everyone’s rights, interpreting our laws so that each person is valued equally. But in Hobby Lobby and other corporate cases, the Court seems to be granting special rights and privileges to corporations.

Common Cause Maryland Hosts Birthday Party for Gerrymandering’s Namesake

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Common Cause Maryland Hosts Birthday Party for Gerrymandering’s Namesake

Common Cause Maryland hosted a birthday party Thursday for Elbridge Gerry, widely credited as the first politician to perfect the dark art of manipulating legislative lines for partisan purposes. Gerry, a former Vice President and Massachusetts governor, signed into law oddly shaped districts meant to solidify his party’s majority in the legislature while he was governor. The Boston Gazette drew a political cartoon in 1812 comparing one of the districts to a salamander and naming the district a “gerrymander.”

Voter, Get Your Gun

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Voter, Get Your Gun

An Alabama attorney general's opinion highlights the continuing need for the Voting Rights Act

As FCC Website Crashes, We Deliver Net Neutrality Comments in Person

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As FCC Website Crashes, We Deliver Net Neutrality Comments in Person

When the Federal Communications Commission’s website crashed – yet again, on Tuesday – the last day to file Net Neutrality comments, a pair of Common Cause interns crossed DC in a thunderstorm to turn in hard copies of thousands of comments from members and activists.

Major Victory for Florida Voters

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Major Victory for Florida Voters

A Florida circuit court yesterday ruled that the state’s congressional lines violated state constitutional requirements that redistricting be done in a nonpartisan manner. Common Cause was a plaintiff to the lawsuit along with League of Women Voters of Florida, National Council of La Raza, and several Florida voters.

Peach State People’s Pledge

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Peach State People’s Pledge

Michelle Nunn is the 4th major U.S. Senate candidate to call for a People's Pledge.

It’s not about “Can we?” It’s about “Will we?”

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It’s not about “Can we?” It’s about “Will we?”

Next week public comments are due regarding the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) proposed rules for net neutrality. Much of the focus will be on arcane legalisms, the particulars of various court decisions, and the confounding twists and turns of FCC regulatory oversight (or lack thereof). This is all well and good, and based on more than a decade tracking such minutiae as a member of the FCC, I am confident that those of us favoring real Open Internet will have much the better detailed arguments to put forward. But it’s...

Fighting For Net Neutrality in Burlington

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Fighting For Net Neutrality in Burlington

The Media and Democracy team recently traveled to beautiful Burlington, Vermont. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) invited Michael Copps, former FCC Commissioner and special advisor to our Media and Democracy program, to testify on the Open Internet ("net neutrality").



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