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Missouri Politicians are Playing Dirty with Clean Missouri Initiative

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Missouri Politicians are Playing Dirty with Clean Missouri Initiative

States are supposed to be laboratories of democracy, just as the Framers of our Constitution intended. But Missouri legislators are ignoring the efforts of citizens from every corner of the state who developed creative policy, collected signatures, and voted overwhelmingly for Amendment 1.

The Stakes of Barr’s Obstruction

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The Stakes of Barr’s Obstruction

The Trump administration’s repeated refusal to deliver the full, unredacted Mueller report to Congress is worse than just dirty politics; it’s a constitutional crisis in the making.

A Contemptible Path Chosen by Attorney General Barr

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A Contemptible Path Chosen by Attorney General Barr

The people are clear even if one party in Congress is not -- a new poll shows only 29% approval of Barr. In a battle between Barr and the DOJ prosecutors who signed a letter calling him out for obstruction, the people agree with the prosecutors over Barr. This is a path he and President Trump have chosen.

From Prison to Gerrymandering: My Journey is the Only Straight Line

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From Prison to Gerrymandering: My Journey is the Only Straight Line

I've always been fascinated by politics. My time in prison in West Virginia enhanced that. Now I'm fighting for #FairMaps and against all kinds of racial-, partisan-, and prison-gerrymandering. Hey-Hey, Ho-Ho, gerrymandering has got to go!

Kellyanne Conway’s Hatch-et Job

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Kellyanne Conway’s Hatch-et Job

Kellyanne Conway is breaking the law. She doesn't care. She works for someone who believes he's above the law, surely that means she is too.

Fritz Hollings: An Appreciation

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Fritz Hollings: An Appreciation

A former staff member and longtime friend, Mike Copps pays tribute to Senator Fritz Hollings (D-SC). Originally published by the Benton Foundation and reprinted here with permission.

Los políticos pierden más casos de manipulación de distritos electorales, según los tribunales

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Los políticos pierden más casos de manipulación de distritos electorales, según los tribunales

Más del 38 por ciento de los mapas de los estados y distritos electorales del Congreso elaborados por políticos en el ciclo electoral de 2010 fueron anulados por los tribunales, en comparación con apenas el 11 por ciento de los elaborados por comisiones ciudadanas independientes con un equilibrio partidista. Esto incluye dos mapas anulados hoy por un tribunal federal de Michigan.

Every person counts, but what did SCOTUS have to say?

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Every person counts, but what did SCOTUS have to say?

On April 23, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Commerce v. New York, the case over whether the Trump administration will be allowed to include a question about citizenship on the 2020 Census.



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