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1787 Results

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The Man Who Brought Us Citizens United is Back

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The Man Who Brought Us Citizens United is Back

Jim Bopp, the Indiana attorney who led the effort to remove all restraints on independent corporate spending in campaigns in the landmark Supreme Court case Citizens United v. FEC (2010), is now leading another effort to weaken federal campaign finance laws.

Disabled voters still face trouble at the polls

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Disabled voters still face trouble at the polls

With the November elections approaching, national efforts towards increasing voter turnout are underway. During the second week of July, the National Council on Disability hosted “National Disability Voter Registration Week” in hopes of ensuring that the disability community’s voice, both collectively and as individuals, will be heard this election year.

Census Bureau fails to change harmful representation system

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Census Bureau fails to change harmful representation system

Prison-based gerrymandering threatens our democracy’s commitment to fair representation. The practice leads to certain districts becoming largely composed of voiceless individuals, since prisoners cannot vote in most states.

Platforms Without Media?

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Platforms Without Media?

Party platforms can be sleepy affairs. In recent years, platform writing too often became an exercise of box-checking to “reach out and touch” as many interest groups as possible so everyone felt involved, with an anodyne sentence or two thrown in so these interests felt included. Long on generalities and short on specifics, platforms in recent years were routinely adopted at the party’s convention—and then promptly forgotten.

Celebrating FOIA’s 50th Birthday

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Celebrating FOIA’s 50th Birthday

FOIA—the federal Freedom of Information Act—will turn 50 on the 4th of July, its birthday commemorated with President Obama’s signing of a rare, bipartisan bill to update and strengthen it.

Common Cause Member Call

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Common Cause Member Call

Common Cause President, Karen Hobert-Flynn held a special phone briefing for members and supporters like you on June 23 at 8pm ET. She shared how we will use this next year to fight big money in politics, protect our right to vote, advance impartial redistricting reform, and more.

Senators Playing Loose with Constitutional Rights

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Senators Playing Loose with Constitutional Rights

Their zeal to protect Americans from domestic terrorists, or perhaps to score political points for seeming to provide protection, is leading some members of Congress to toss aside constitutional rights.



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