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Primary Candidates Flout Financial Disclosure Requirement

In Tuesday's primaries in eight states, more than 100 candidates - Democrat and Republican alike - failed to file personal financial disclosures required by law.

Information is the lifeblood of democracy, so it’s disappointing in the extreme to discover that more than one-third of the 304 candidates on this week’s congressional primary ballots in eight states ignored financial disclosure requirements set by federal law or filed their disclosure forms too late for voters to review ahead of Primary Day.

The Center for Responsive Politics reports that 116 candidates missed the May 15 filing deadline; the delinquents included 46 incumbent officeholders, who thanks to their experience should be particularly aware of the filing requirement. That group includes House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and 76 other candidates – Democrat and Republican alike – in California, where this week’s primaries were especially charged.

Twenty-three of the 116 late- or non-filers stayed within the law by exercising their option to request an extension of the filing deadline but in doing so deprived primary voters of important information. Those who filed neither their forms or an extension request face a $200 fine.

The disclosure forms ask candidates to reveal their sources of income, assets, and liabilities. The rationale for disclosure is that financial information about candidates and officeholders helps voters make choices at the ballot box and keep tabs after the election on whether elected officials are shaping and voting on legislation to further their personal interest rather than the public interest.

“(The reports) are significant for assessing potential conflicts,” Adav Noti, chief of staff at the non-partisan Campaign Legal Center, told OpenSecrets.org, the center’s website. “It allows a voter to assess whether candidates are taking positions that are in the voters’ interest or in the candidate’s interest.”

You’ll find the full list of non- and late-filers at the end of this post, listed in alphabetical order by state. If one of those is a candidate in your congressional district, you might want to make a special point to ask him/her about it during the fall campaign and check his/her disclosure before the November election.



Nombre State/District Won/Lost
Kennedy, Robert Jr AL01 W
Byrne, Bradley AL01 W
Williams, Audri Scott AL02 yo
Roby, Martha AL02 R
Hagan, Mallory AL03 W
Rogers, Mike D AL03 W
Neighbors, Rick AL04 yo
Aderholt, Robert B AL04 W
Hinchman, Clayton AL05 yo
Joffrion, Peter AL05 W
Brooks, Mo AL05 W
Palmer, Gary AL06 W
Sewell, Terri A AL07 W
Peterson, David CA01 yo
LaMalfa, Doug CA01 W
Schaupp, Charles CA03 W
Garamendi, John CA03 W
Calderon, Roza CA04 yo
Morse, Jessica CA04 W
McClintock, Tom CA04 W
Thompson, Mike CA05 W
Matsui, Doris O CA06 W
Bera, Ami CA07 W
Doyle, Marge CA08 ?
Cook, Paul CA08 W
McNerney, Jerry CA09 W
Zwahlen, Sue CA10 yo
Denham, Jeff CA10 W
Desaulnier, Mark CA11 W
Remmer, Lisa CA12 ?
Khojasteh, Ryan CA12 yo
Buttar, Shahid CA12 ?
Jaffe, Stephen CA12 ?
Pelosi, Nancy CA12 W
Lee, Barbara CA13 W
Speier, Jackie CA14 W
Swalwell, Eric CA15 W
Costa, Jim CA16 W
Khanna, Ro CA17 W
Eshoo, Anna CA18 W
Lofgren, Zoe CA19 W
Panetta, Jimmy CA20 W
Valadao, David CA21 W
Nunes, Devin CA22 W
Wilson, Kurt CA23 yo
Carbajal, Salud CA24 W
Knight, Steve CA25 W
Hill, Katie CA25 ?
Nelson, John CA26 yo
Brownley, Julia CA26 W
Chu, Judy CA27 W
Nalbandian, Johnny CA28 W
Cardenas, Tony CA29 W
Sherman, Brad CA30 W
Aguilar, Pete CA31 W
Napolitano, Grace CA32 W
Lieu, Ted CA33 W
Torres, Norma CA35 W
Hassett, Doug CA36 yo
Ruiz, Raul CA36 W
Bass, Karen CA37 W
Sanchez, Linda CA38 W
Leggett, Suzi Park CA39 yo
Cullum, John CA39 yo
Lee, Herbert CA39 yo
Roybal-Allard, Lucille CA40 W
Takano, Mark CA41 W
Calvert, Ken CA42 W
Navarro, Omar CA43 W
Waters, Maxine CA43 W
Barragan, Nanette CA44 W
Min, David CA45 yo
Correa, Lou CA46 W
Clifford, David CA47 yo
Lowenthal, Alan CA47 W
Baugh, Scott CA48 ?
Siddiqui, Omar CA48 yo
Rohrabacher, Dana CA48 W
Renison, John CA51 ?
Vargas, Juan CA51 W
Cullen, Jeffrey CA52 yo
Horst, John CA52 yo
Veltmeyer, James CA52 yo
Qudrat, Omar CA52 W
Peters, Scott CA52 W
Murtaugh, Morgan CA53 ?
Davis, Susan A CA53 W
Cruz, Erin CAS2 yo
Bhumitra, Arun K CAS2 yo
De La Fuente, Rocky CAS2 yo
Rowe, Courtney IA01 yo
Blum, Rod IA01 W
Loebsack, David IA02 W
Young, David IA03 W
King, Steven A IA04 W
Kelly, Trent MS01 W
Thompson, Bennie G MS02 W
Dunn, Morgan MS03 yo
Rose, E Brian MS04 yo
Palazzo, Steven MS04 W
McDaniel, Chris MSS1
Boyanton, Richard MSS2 yo
Gianforte, Greg MT01 W
Rosendale, Matt MTS1 W
Tomaszewski, Scot John NJ01 yo
Norcross, Don NJ01 W
MacArthur, Thomas NJ03 W
Smith, Chris NJ04 W
Gottheimer, Josh NJ05 W
Pallone, Frank Jr NJ06 W
Lance, Leonard NJ07 W
Sires, Albio NJ08 W
Pascrell, Bill Jr NJ09 W
deNeufville, Peter NJ11 yo
Moya, Paul NM01 yo
Sedillo Lopez, Antoinette NM01 yo



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