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Another Red Flag on the Internet Privacy Bill

A column in today’s Washington Post by Paul Ohm, a professor at Georgetown University Law Center and faculty director of the Georgetown Center on Privacy and Technology raises more red flags on congressional action this week that would permit internet service providers (ISPs) sell information about the browsing habits of their customers.

A column in today’s Washington Post by Paul Ohm, a professor at Georgetown University Law Center and faculty director of the Georgetown Center on Privacy and Technology raises more red flags on congressional action this week that would permit internet service providers (ISPs) sell information about the browsing habits of their customers.

Ohm makes a strong case that if President Trump signs the legislation, which would negate internet privacy protections put in place by the Federal Communications Commission, “it could result in the greatest legislative expansion of the FBI’s surveillance power since 2001’s Patriot Act.”

He goes on to assert that “once Trump signs the bill, diminishing the FCC’s power to police privacy online, ISPs will feel empowered — perhaps even encouraged — by Republicans (no Democrats voted for this measure) to spy on all of us as they never have before. And spy they will.”

The piece is worth your time. You can read it here.

For more information on the internet privacy legislation, see this post.



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