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Fair Districts for Ohio lanza una campaña para detener la manipulación partidista de los distritos de la Asamblea General de Ohio

Catherine Turcer de Common Cause Ohio se une a los copresidentes de Fair Districts for Ohio para el lanzamiento de la campaña

This month a diverse coalition kicked off the Fair Districts for Ohio campaign to stop the gerrymandering of General Assembly districts. The goal of the campaign is passage of Issue 1, a proposed state constitutional amendment placed on the November 3, 2015 ballot after passing the legislature by an overwhelming bipartisan margin. If voters approve the measure, this historic reform would create a new seven-person redistricting commission with rules that put fair representation for Ohioans ahead of political advantage.

Two former state representatives, Republican Matt Huffman of Lima and Democrat Vernon Sykes of Akron, are the campaign co-chairs who led the kick-off press conference. Huffman described Issue 1’s three main components:

  • A more transparent system that gives Ohioans greater input.
  • Maps that pass the commission with less than two minority party votes are only in effect for four years.
  • Creates new rules for how maps are drawn, including a prohibition on drawing districts for partisan advantage.

For more information and an updated list of organizations endorsing Issue 1, go to Common Cause Ohio’s redistricting website.



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