David Vance

Estratega Nacional de Medios


Conoce a David…

David Vance es el estratega nacional de medios de Common Cause. Trabaja con el personal a nivel nacional y estatal para generar medios que amplifiquen la voz y promuevan estratégicamente la agenda de reforma democrática de la organización nacional y sus 35 oficinas estatales.

Antes de unirse a Common Cause en 2016, David pasó una década como director de comunicaciones e investigación en el Campaign Legal Center, trabajando en cuestiones de financiación de campañas, derechos de voto y ética gubernamental. Durante su tiempo allí, el perfil mediático de la organización creció exponencialmente y en 2014 recibió un premio MacArthur a las instituciones creativas y efectivas.

David tiene una amplia experiencia en relaciones públicas y periodismo. Se desempeñó como director de asuntos públicos para una asociación comercial internacional y trabajó para dos firmas de relaciones públicas en Washington, DC, donde se ocupó de asuntos públicos, relaciones públicas y cuestiones de crisis tanto a nivel nacional como internacional para una amplia gama de clientes corporativos, asociativos y sin fines de lucro.

Antes de ingresar al campo de las relaciones públicas, David trabajó para varias agencias de noticias en Washington, DC, WCAX-TV en Burlington, Vermont y The Washington Post.

David es oriundo de Washington, DC y tiene una maestría en derecho de la Escuela de Periodismo Medill de la Universidad Northwestern y una maestría en bellas artes en escritura creativa de la Universidad George Mason.

Lo último de David Vance

Supreme Court Rejects Appeal of DC Circuit Decision Upholding Net Neutrality Rules

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Supreme Court Rejects Appeal of DC Circuit Decision Upholding Net Neutrality Rules

Today, the United States Supreme Court rejected an appeal from the telecommunications industry seeking to vacate the D.C. Circuit’s 2016 decision to uphold the FCC’s 2015 net neutrality rules. The Supreme Court also declined to remove the precedential value of the D.C. Circuit’s 2016 opinion. The FCC under Chairman Ajit Pai repealed its 2015 net neutrality rules but monopoly cable and telephone companies also wanted the 2016 D.C. Circuit decision upholding the rules wiped from the record.

Common Cause pide a la Corte Suprema que confirme la decisión de redistribución de distritos de Rucho en Carolina del Norte 

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Common Cause pide a la Corte Suprema que confirme la decisión de redistribución de distritos de Rucho en Carolina del Norte 

Common Cause presentó hoy una moción para confirmar Common Cause v. Rucho, solicitando a la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos que acepte el fallo de un tribunal de primera instancia que establece que el mapa de distritos electorales de Carolina del Norte es una manipulación partidista ilegal. Si la Corte Suprema decide escuchar Common Cause v. Rucho, podría resultar en la primera decisión de la Corte Suprema que declare que la manipulación partidista viola la Constitución de los Estados Unidos.  

Ohio Voters Win in Federal Court

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Ohio Voters Win in Federal Court

Today, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals returned a ruling that empowers more Ohioans to make their voices heard at the ballot box. The ruling addresses the voters who were aggressively purged from the voter rolls, granting them the right to vote provisionally and have their ballots counted. This ruling will give more Ohioans an opportunity to help chart the course for our state in the future. With so much at stake in this year’s election, I’m heartened knowing that more eligible voters will have the option to take part in our democracy.

Common Cause Files Brief in Challenge to Addition of Citizenship Question to 2020 Census

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Common Cause Files Brief in Challenge to Addition of Citizenship Question to 2020 Census

Today, Common Cause, joined by current and former elected and appointed Republican officials, filed an amici brief in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York in support of the New York State’s challenge to the addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 Census. The brief filed in State of New York v. United States Department of Commerce, emphasizes that the United States Constitution, and subsequently the Fourteenth Amendment, guarantees the right of every resident of the United States to be represented by a member...

New Report Examines 2018 Pro-Democracy Ballot Initiatives & Continued Momentum of Citizen-Driven Reforms

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New Report Examines 2018 Pro-Democracy Ballot Initiatives & Continued Momentum of Citizen-Driven Reforms

Today, Common Cause released a new report on more than two dozen ballot initiatives and state constitutional amendments to strengthen, and in some cases undercut, democracy that will be decided by voters at the state and local level in November. “Democracy on the Ballot” traces the growing momentum behind citizen-driven pro-democracy reforms in recent years and examines initiatives and amendments on ballots in the 2018 general election from Florida to California and from North Dakota to New Mexico and urges support or opposition to each.

New Report Emphasizes Threat Posed by Online Voting, Urges Nationwide E-Ballot Quarantine

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New Report Emphasizes Threat Posed by Online Voting, Urges Nationwide E-Ballot Quarantine

Today, leading experts in the field of election security released a report outlining the serious and unaddressed threat to the integrity of the nation’s elections and democracy posed by the continued use of online voting in 32 states. The report highlights that at the very least nearly 100,000 ballots were reported to have been cast online in the 2016 general election. The report, “Email and Internet Voting: The Overlooked Threat to Election Security,” examines the threats faced by various forms of online voting including blockchain...

Senate is in No Position to Confirm Kavanaugh

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Senate is in No Position to Confirm Kavanaugh

Initial reports about the brief FBI investigation of sexual assault allegations reek of a whitewash as the Senate scrambles to fill the Supreme Court seat before facing voters in November. Combined with the abbreviated and inadequate document release of Brett Kavanaugh’s professional career and his appearance at last week’s hearing, many questions have been raised about Judge Kavanaugh’s fitness to serve as a Justice and they must be answered.

Evidence Continues to Mount Against Trump in Stormy Daniels Case

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Evidence Continues to Mount Against Trump in Stormy Daniels Case

New revelations in The Wall Street Journal continue to reveal evidence that supports allegations we made in January and March Department of Justice and Federal Election Commission complaints of violations of campaign finance laws and criminal code provisions related to hush money payments to Stormy Daniels. The Wall Street Journal reports today that in February of this year President Trump personally directed his lawyer, Michael Cohen, to initiate an arbitration proceeding and seek a restraining order against Stormy Daniels pursuant to a...



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