David Vance

Estratega Nacional de Medios


Conoce a David…

David Vance es el estratega nacional de medios de Common Cause. Trabaja con el personal a nivel nacional y estatal para generar medios que amplifiquen la voz y promuevan estratégicamente la agenda de reforma democrática de la organización nacional y sus 35 oficinas estatales.

Antes de unirse a Common Cause en 2016, David pasó una década como director de comunicaciones e investigación en el Campaign Legal Center, trabajando en cuestiones de financiación de campañas, derechos de voto y ética gubernamental. Durante su tiempo allí, el perfil mediático de la organización creció exponencialmente y en 2014 recibió un premio MacArthur a las instituciones creativas y efectivas.

David tiene una amplia experiencia en relaciones públicas y periodismo. Se desempeñó como director de asuntos públicos para una asociación comercial internacional y trabajó para dos firmas de relaciones públicas en Washington, DC, donde se ocupó de asuntos públicos, relaciones públicas y cuestiones de crisis tanto a nivel nacional como internacional para una amplia gama de clientes corporativos, asociativos y sin fines de lucro.

Antes de ingresar al campo de las relaciones públicas, David trabajó para varias agencias de noticias en Washington, DC, WCAX-TV en Burlington, Vermont y The Washington Post.

David es oriundo de Washington, DC y tiene una maestría en derecho de la Escuela de Periodismo Medill de la Universidad Northwestern y una maestría en bellas artes en escritura creativa de la Universidad George Mason.

Lo último de David Vance

Trump Knew He was Asking Mike Pence to Break the Law

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Trump Knew He was Asking Mike Pence to Break the Law

Donald Trump and his attorneys knew that they were asking then-Vice President to violate the law and his oath of office by rejecting electoral votes on January 6th.   Testimony today before the January 6th Committee by Trump administration officials and attorneys made that abundantly clear. Former president-Trump and his attorney John Eastman showed their contempt for the rule of law and that they were willing to do almost anything to avoid the peaceful transfer of power after losing the 2020 presidential election. That is precisely why...

Trump Knew He Lost but Continued to Stoke Insurrection & Fleece Followers

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Trump Knew He Lost but Continued to Stoke Insurrection & Fleece Followers

Donald Trump lost the 2020 election and he knew it. Evidence presented by the January 6 Committee made that very clear today. Trump’s hand-picked loyalists and legal experts from Attorney General Bill Barr on down told him repeatedly that there was absolutely no truth to the fraud allegations that he continued to repeat. Trump’s lies continued to stoke the anger of his staunchest supporters – anger that he would turn loose on the Capitol on January 6, in an effort to overturn the election he lost by force.   

January 6th Committee Lays Bare the Conspiracy To Overthrow The Election

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January 6th Committee Lays Bare the Conspiracy To Overthrow The Election

On January 6, 2021, the American people witnessed a violent insurrection on live television. Tonight, we learned beyond a shadow of a doubt that the insurrection was planned, promoted, and pushed by Donald Trump and his cronies in an attempt to steal the election and ignore the will of the American people. The bipartisan committee laid out evidence gathered by non-partisan career investigators revealing the vast scope of the criminal conspiracy to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 election. It was a wide-ranging and premeditated plot...

Navarro Contempt Indictment Should be the First of Many

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Navarro Contempt Indictment Should be the First of Many

Today, the Justice Department indicted former Trump White House official Peter Navarro for contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena from the January 6th Select Committee. The former trade adviser was a leader in the Trump White House effort to overturn the results of the 2020 election. In April, Common Cause urged House Members to vote to certify criminal contempt citations against Navarro and fellow White House official Dan Scavino.

Common Cause Calls on the Senate to Hold a Vote and Confirm Gigi Sohn as FCC Commissioner

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Common Cause Calls on the Senate to Hold a Vote and Confirm Gigi Sohn as FCC Commissioner

Yesterday, Axios published an article detailing how the clock is running out for the Senate to confirm Gigi Sohn, President Biden’s nominee to be a commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission. President Biden nominated Ms. Sohn over six months ago and the vacancy has been open for over a year, keeping the FCC deadlocked in a 2-2 split. A deadlocked FCC is unable to fully address broadband affordability or move forward on a host of other communications reforms vital to our democracy.

Activist Supreme Court Strikes Down Another Campaign Finance Law  

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Activist Supreme Court Strikes Down Another Campaign Finance Law  

Today, the conservative majority of United States Supreme Court struck down a law that prevents potential corruption from arising when politicians make large personal loans to their own campaigns only to repay them with donations received after Election Day. Candidates will now be able to take out millions of dollars in personal loans for their campaigns that can be repaid after the election by special interest donors who are effectively depositing money into a politicians’ personal bank accounts. Common Cause filed an amicus brief in...

Common Cause Requests More Information on Purchase of Tegna by Standard General and Apollo Global Management

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Common Cause Requests More Information on Purchase of Tegna by Standard General and Apollo Global Management

Today, Common Cause, along with The NewsGuild-CWA and Public Knowledge filed a Motion for Additional Information and Extension of Time with the Federal Communications Commission. The Motion asks the FCC to require the applicants in Standard General Inc. and Apollo Global Management’s acquisition of Tegna to provide additional information and documents necessary for the agency to determine whether the transaction is in the public interest.  

More Than 120 Civil Rights & Democracy Groups Call on Social Media Giants to Take Significant Actions to Combat Election Disinformation Ahead of Midterm Elections 

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More Than 120 Civil Rights & Democracy Groups Call on Social Media Giants to Take Significant Actions to Combat Election Disinformation Ahead of Midterm Elections 

Today, more than 120 civil rights, democracy, and public interest groups called on the major social media companies to combat and curb election disinformation on the platforms ahead of this year’s midterm elections. In a letter to the CEOs of Meta, Twitter, YouTube, Snap, Instagram, TikTok, and Alphabet, the groups urged the platforms to take a variety of specific actions, including “introducing friction to reduce the spread and amplification of disinformation, consistent enforcement of robust civic integrity policies; and greater...



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