David Vance

Estratega Nacional de Medios


Conoce a David…

David Vance es el estratega nacional de medios de Common Cause. Trabaja con el personal a nivel nacional y estatal para generar medios que amplifiquen la voz y promuevan estratégicamente la agenda de reforma democrática de la organización nacional y sus 35 oficinas estatales.

Antes de unirse a Common Cause en 2016, David pasó una década como director de comunicaciones e investigación en el Campaign Legal Center, trabajando en cuestiones de financiación de campañas, derechos de voto y ética gubernamental. Durante su tiempo allí, el perfil mediático de la organización creció exponencialmente y en 2014 recibió un premio MacArthur a las instituciones creativas y efectivas.

David tiene una amplia experiencia en relaciones públicas y periodismo. Se desempeñó como director de asuntos públicos para una asociación comercial internacional y trabajó para dos firmas de relaciones públicas en Washington, DC, donde se ocupó de asuntos públicos, relaciones públicas y cuestiones de crisis tanto a nivel nacional como internacional para una amplia gama de clientes corporativos, asociativos y sin fines de lucro.

Antes de ingresar al campo de las relaciones públicas, David trabajó para varias agencias de noticias en Washington, DC, WCAX-TV en Burlington, Vermont y The Washington Post.

David es oriundo de Washington, DC y tiene una maestría en derecho de la Escuela de Periodismo Medill de la Universidad Northwestern y una maestría en bellas artes en escritura creativa de la Universidad George Mason.

Lo último de David Vance

El Departamento de Justicia y el Congreso presentan quejas contra el representante Gaetz y su propietario que buscan una investigación del contrato de arrendamiento y la ocultación de hechos  

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El Departamento de Justicia y el Congreso presentan quejas contra el representante Gaetz y su propietario que buscan una investigación del contrato de arrendamiento y la ocultación de hechos  

Hoy, Common Cause presentó quejas ante el Departamento de Justicia (DOJ), el Comité de Administración de la Cámara de Representantes de los EE. UU. y la Oficina de Ética del Congreso contra el representante Matt Gaetz (R-FL) y su propietario y donante Collier Merrill por no haber revelar su relación de larga data mientras busca la aprobación requerida del Congreso para el arrendamiento de una oficina. Las denuncias instan a una investigación sobre si ambos hombres violaron la prohibición del derecho penal de ocultar hechos materiales en presentaciones o declaraciones a la autoridad federal...

Advocates Condemn FCC’s ‘Slap in the Face’ to First Responders, Urge Agency to Protect Public Safety

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Advocates Condemn FCC’s ‘Slap in the Face’ to First Responders, Urge Agency to Protect Public Safety

In comments filed yesterday, Common Cause and New America’s Open Technology Institute (OTI) criticized the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for failing to protect public safety and low-income Americans’ access to the internet. The comments were filed in response to a federal court order that admonished the FCC for ignoring these critical issues when it repealed net neutrality rules in 2017. Common Cause and OTI called this failure a “dereliction of duty” and urged the agency to correct its past mistakes. The comments also...

Common Cause Urges Congress to Prioritize Key Democracy Issues in Next COVID-19 Supplemental Funding Bill

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Common Cause Urges Congress to Prioritize Key Democracy Issues in Next COVID-19 Supplemental Funding Bill

Today, Common Cause called on Congress to provide funding to safeguard key elements of our democracy in the next COVID-19 emergency supplemental funding bill. The letter urges every Member of Congress to provide significant funding in the stimulus package to backstop vital elements of our democracy and to ensure proper safeguards are put into place to oversee government disbursement of trillions of dollars in stimulus funds. In the face of the pandemic, Common Cause calls for funding to safeguard our elections, the Census, the U.S. Postal...

Common Cause Calls for Emergency Congressional Hearings on Elections During COVID-19 Pandemic in Wake of Wisconsin Primary

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Common Cause Calls for Emergency Congressional Hearings on Elections During COVID-19 Pandemic in Wake of Wisconsin Primary

Today, Common Cause called on Congress to hold emergency hearings to examine why Wisconsin voters were forced to risk their lives by standing in lines at polling places on April 7th during the COVID-19 pandemic when public gatherings were prohibited in the state. The letter to the Senate Rules and Administration Committee and the Committee on House Administration also urged the committees to explore how other states are adjusting their elections to ensure that all voters can be counted during the current pandemic in both the primaries and the...

President Trump’s Removal of Inspector General Glenn Fine Is An Affront To Transparency & Accountability

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President Trump’s Removal of Inspector General Glenn Fine Is An Affront To Transparency & Accountability

We deserve a government accountable and transparent to the people, but President Trump is once again acting as if he is above the law. Trump’s decision to remove Glenn Fine, the leader of an independent panel of inspectors general providing oversight of the coronavirus relief stimulus, is a corrupt power grab. Without strong oversight,  the public will not have the confidence that their hard-earned money actually serves the public over special interests. 

El intento de Trump de eludir la supervisión del paquete de estímulo es una apropiación corrupta del poder y el Congreso debe combatirla

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El intento de Trump de eludir la supervisión del paquete de estímulo es una apropiación corrupta del poder y el Congreso debe combatirla

“Americans expect and deserve accountability for the $2 trillion Coronavirus emergency spending bill, and Congressional oversight of this Administration’s handling of the funds is absolutely critical,” said Common Cause president Karen Hobert Flynn. “This attempt by President Trump to bypass oversight is nothing more than a corrupt power grab by an Administration known for bending over backwards to shower rewards on its political supporters. Congress must fight this move vigorously and hold President Trump accountable to the American...

Trump Campaign Threats Against TV Stations Airing Ads Critical of President Are Baseless Attempt to Intimidate

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Trump Campaign Threats Against TV Stations Airing Ads Critical of President Are Baseless Attempt to Intimidate

“The Trump campaign’s threat to revoke television station licenses for airing advertisements critical of the President’s actions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic raises serious concerns that the President is potentially abusing his power to intimidate and retaliate against political opponents. The FCC has no authority to revoke broadcast licenses for airing political advertisements critical of the President’s actions. More importantly, the President cannot direct the FCC, an independent agency, to take this action."

Congressional Coronavirus Response Makes Down Payment to Safeguard Elections as Well as the Economy

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Congressional Coronavirus Response Makes Down Payment to Safeguard Elections as Well as the Economy

Congress’s revised Coronavirus emergency response package provides critical funds to address our public health crisis, offers a lifeline to struggling Americans, and makes a significant down payment toward safeguarding our democracy. Every American expects and deserves to have their vote counted and their voice heard in our democracy, and the $400 million in election funding for states and localities is a step in the right direction. That total is nearly triple what Senate Republicans proposed in their initial bill. However, given the recent...

House Coronavirus Response Bill Takes Step to Safeguard Elections as Well as the Economy

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House Coronavirus Response Bill Takes Step to Safeguard Elections as Well as the Economy

The House Democrats’ Coronavirus emergency response bill introduced today takes vital steps to address the public health and economic emergencies and importantly takes steps to safeguard our democracy from this pandemic as well. Our elections are the lifeblood of our democracy, and every American expects and deserves to have their vote counted. Millions of American citizens are in danger of being disenfranchised by the Coronavirus pandemic if drastic steps are not taken. The Senate bill pushed by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is woefully...



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