David Vance

Estratega Nacional de Medios


Conoce a David…

David Vance es el estratega nacional de medios de Common Cause. Trabaja con el personal a nivel nacional y estatal para generar medios que amplifiquen la voz y promuevan estratégicamente la agenda de reforma democrática de la organización nacional y sus 35 oficinas estatales.

Antes de unirse a Common Cause en 2016, David pasó una década como director de comunicaciones e investigación en el Campaign Legal Center, trabajando en cuestiones de financiación de campañas, derechos de voto y ética gubernamental. Durante su tiempo allí, el perfil mediático de la organización creció exponencialmente y en 2014 recibió un premio MacArthur a las instituciones creativas y efectivas.

David tiene una amplia experiencia en relaciones públicas y periodismo. Se desempeñó como director de asuntos públicos para una asociación comercial internacional y trabajó para dos firmas de relaciones públicas en Washington, DC, donde se ocupó de asuntos públicos, relaciones públicas y cuestiones de crisis tanto a nivel nacional como internacional para una amplia gama de clientes corporativos, asociativos y sin fines de lucro.

Antes de ingresar al campo de las relaciones públicas, David trabajó para varias agencias de noticias en Washington, DC, WCAX-TV en Burlington, Vermont y The Washington Post.

David es oriundo de Washington, DC y tiene una maestría en derecho de la Escuela de Periodismo Medill de la Universidad Northwestern y una maestría en bellas artes en escritura creativa de la Universidad George Mason.

Lo último de David Vance

Citizenship Question Threatens A Fair and Accurate Census

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Citizenship Question Threatens A Fair and Accurate Census

Americans deserve a fair and accurate census where everyone within the borders of our country are counted, regardless of their citizenship status. The inclusion of the citizenship question threatens that constitutional requirement and politicizes this process.

DOJ & FEC Complaints Filed Against Cambridge Analytica for Violating Prohibition on Election-Related Activities by Foreign Nationals in Work for Trump, Others

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DOJ & FEC Complaints Filed Against Cambridge Analytica for Violating Prohibition on Election-Related Activities by Foreign Nationals in Work for Trump, Others

Today, Common Cause filed complaints with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging reason to believe that Cambridge Analytica LTD and its sister company, SCL Group Limited, and numerous employees of the London-based companies repeatedly violated the prohibition on foreign nationals performing certain election-related activities over two U.S. election cycles – including extensive work for the Trump campaign.

“Our Children Are Showing Us’

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“Our Children Are Showing Us’

As students across the country voiced their concern about gun violence, Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn urged them to stay engaged in our democracy

President Trump & Michael Cohen Added to Amended DOJ & FEC Complaints Related to $130K Stormy Daniels Hush Money Payment

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President Trump & Michael Cohen Added to Amended DOJ & FEC Complaints Related to $130K Stormy Daniels Hush Money Payment

Today, Common Cause is filing amended complaints with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to include President Trump himself as well as his personal attorney Michael Cohen for their roles in what appear to be numerous violations of campaign finance law related to the $130,000 hush money payment to Stephanie Clifford (a.k.a. Stormy Daniels) just weeks before the 2016 election. The amended filings come in light of new details, in the form of court filings, public statements and published reports, that have...

Common Cause Asks Court To Block FCC Move Endangering Minority Media

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Common Cause Asks Court To Block FCC Move Endangering Minority Media

Common Cause is part of a coalition of groups urging a federal appeals court to overturn a Federal Communications Commission decision that threatens the survival of minority-owned media outlets.

El Departamento de Justicia y la Comisión Federal de Comercio presentaron denuncias contra el presidente Trump, su campaña y American Media Inc. por gastos ilegales y no declarados de $150K coordinados con una ex conejita de Playboy

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El Departamento de Justicia y la Comisión Federal de Comercio presentaron denuncias contra el presidente Trump, su campaña y American Media Inc. por gastos ilegales y no declarados de $150K coordinados con una ex conejita de Playboy

Today, Common Cause filed complaints with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging reason to believe that American Media, Inc.’s August 2016 payment of $150,000 to former Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal, to buy and bury her story of an affair with Donald J. Trump, was for the purpose of influencing the 2016 election and was coordinated with Donald Trump’s attorney and agent Michael Cohen—making it an illegal corporate in-kind contribution to the 2016 Trump campaign. Additionally, the...

New Russia Investigation Indictments Hammer Home Need to Support Special Counsel’s Investigation

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New Russia Investigation Indictments Hammer Home Need to Support Special Counsel’s Investigation

Americans expect and deserve to know the truth about the Russian attacks on our democracy. Today’s indictments provide more of that truth and hammer home the seriousness of the attacks and the need to support and protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his investigation. We are hopeful that these new facts will finally drive the White House and those in Congress who have worked to hamper the investigation to admit the reality and the scope of the attack and the threat from Russia which is ongoing today as we approach our next election.



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